
Quality prescribing for respiratory illness 2024 to 2027 - draft guidance: consultation

We are consulting on this draft guide which aims to optimise treatment outcomes in the management of respiratory illness. Produced by Scottish Government, NHS Scotland and Experts by Experience, it builds on the 2018 to 2021 strategy. It promotes person-centred care, the 7-Steps process for medicine reviews and shared decision-making.


Respiratory diseases are amongst our largest health concerns. We’ve all had illnesses or seasonal allergies that can affect our breathing. However, the scope of respiratory disease and the impact on sufferers are often misunderstood. Respiratory diseases are a major driver of health inequalities with a high prevalence in Scotland’s most deprived areas.

Many respiratory disorders are chronic and long-lasting and have a significant impact on sufferers’ health and quality of life – simple activities become a challenge and fear of further complications often leave sufferers afraid of leaving their house.

In many cases, chronic respiratory disorders take years to develop. This combined with an increased risk of acute respiratory conditions as we age means that the long term effects of respiratory disorders in the ageing population is of concern.

Together with experts from across NHS Scotland and Experts by Experience, Scottish Government has produced an updated “Quality Prescribing for Respiratory – A Guide for Improvement”.

The guidance is designed to ensure that people with respiratory conditions are at the centre of their treatment. They, their families and their carers should be actively involved and engaged with their treatment and care decisions at all stages of their conditions.

This Quality Prescribing Guide is intended to support clinicians and shared decision making for people with respiratory conditions (asthma, COPD, bronchiectasis and IPF) in the appropriate use of medicines, whilst applying the principles of value-based healthcare and realistic medicine.

In addition to the clinician focused Quality Prescribing Guide, in conjunction with the Health & Social Care Alliance Scotland, we have also produced a draft “Patient Information Guide”.

This consultation provides an opportunity for all interested parties to comment on both the “Quality Prescribing for Respiratory – A Guide for Improvement” and the “Patient Information Guide”.

We will be holding a virtual consultation event during the consultation period and you can register your interest in attending by emailing



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