
Quality prescribing for respiratory illness 2024 to 2027 - draft guidance: consultation

We are consulting on this draft guide which aims to optimise treatment outcomes in the management of respiratory illness. Produced by Scottish Government, NHS Scotland and Experts by Experience, it builds on the 2018 to 2021 strategy. It promotes person-centred care, the 7-Steps process for medicine reviews and shared decision-making.



David Anderson , Respiratory Consultant, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Tom Fardon, Respiratory Consultant, NHS Tayside

Deputy Chairperson

Alpana Mair, Head of Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Lead Authors

Lesley Rose Lead Pharmacist - Respiratory, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Emily Kennedy, Climate Change and Sustainability Lead Pharmacist, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Working Group Members

Allan White, Respiratory Advisor, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Alpana Mair, Head of Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Andrew Jack, Patient expert with lived experience

Ann Wales, Programme Lead, Knowledge and Decision Support, Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre

Beth Crozier, Senior Policy Officer, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Bryony Murray, Senior Policy Officer, Respiratory and Diabetes, Scottish Government

Caitlin Frickleton, Policy Manager - Diabetes and Respiratory, Scottish Government

Catriona Wheelan, Pharmacist - Secondary Care, NHS Highland

David Anderson, Respiratory Consultant, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Elizabeth Daniel, Prescribing Respiratory Physiotherapist, NHS Lothian

Emily Kennedy, Lead Pharmacist, Primary Care, NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Euan Reid Lead Pharmacist, Primary Care, NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Lead Pharmacist - Primary Care, NHS Forth Valley

Jacqueline Davidson Respiratory Specialist Nurse, Secondary Care, NHS Lanarkshire

Joseph Carter Head of Devolved Nations, Asthma and Lung UK

Julie Lennon GP Practice Nurse (ANP), NHS Highland and NES Nurse Adviser

Iain Wilson GP Clinical Lead, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Katie Johnston, Lead Respiratory Pharmacist, Primary Care, NHS Lothian

Katrina McCormick, Professional Engagement, Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland

Kris McLaughlin, GP, NHS Grampian

Laura Groom, Prescribing Respiratory Physiotherapist, NHS Lothian

Laura Wilson, Policy and Practice Lead, Royal Pharmaceutical Society

Lesley Rose, Lead Pharmacist - Respiratory, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Linda Mcleod, Patient expert with lived experience

Luke Daines, GP, NHS Lothian and Senior Research / Clinical Teaching Fellow, University of Edinburgh

Lynda Bryceland, Respiratory Specialist Nurse, NHS Ayrshire and Arran

Nadia Hyder, Skinner Senior Policy Officer, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Paul Paxton, Senior Information Analyst, Public Health Scotland

Richard Ousten, Patient expert with lived experience

Stuart Law, Head of Policy and Research, Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division, Scottish Government

Stuart McTaggart, Principal Pharmacist, Public Health Scotland

Susannah Lindey, Patient expert with lived experience

Tom Fardon, Respiratory Consultant, NHS Tayside

With acknowledgements to:

Graeme Bryson, Director of Pharmacy, NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Janey Lennon, Prescribing Support Pharmacist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Joanna Hutchison, Lead Respiratory Pharmacist, NHS Lothian

Karen Vint, Prescribing Support Pharmacist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde

Ann McMurray, Asthma Nurse Specialist, Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, NHS Lothian



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