Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: New Housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply to end March 2024

This statistical publication presents latest quarterly figures to end March 2024 on new housebuilding and Affordable Housing Supply, along with annual rates of new housebuilding and affordable housing supply per head of population, with comparisons to other UK countries.

Quarterly Comparisons

Tables 1 & 2, which show the number of new build quarterly starts and completions in 2022-23 and 2023-24. Comparisons of quarterly data should be made to the corresponding quarter in a previous year as there have been no seasonal adjustments made to the data.

Table 1: Housebuilding starts for 2022-23 and 2023-24, by quarter.

                     2022-23                    2023-24
  Apr - Jun (Q1) Jul - Sep (Q2) Oct - Dec (Q3) Jan - Mar (Q4) Apr - Jun (Q1) Jul - Sep (Q2) Oct - Dec (Q3) Jan - Mar (Q4)
Private Led 4,783 4,146 3,456 2,939 3,846 3,142 3,091 2,825
Local Authority 724 600 216 348 283 190 492 357
Housing Association 299 856 384 653 360 757 344 717
Social Sector 1,023 1,456 600 1,001 643 947 836 1,074
All Sector 5,806 5,602 4,056 3,940 4,489 4,089 3,927 3,899

As Table 1 shows, there were fewer private sector starts in Q4 2023-24 than in Q4 2022-23 (-4%; -114 homes). Whereas local authority led starts increased by 3% (9 homes) and housing associations starts increased by 10% (64 homes).

Private sector led starts in 2023-24 were lower than the previous year in each quarter. Whereas the social sector saw lower starts in Q1 and Q2, but higher in Q3 and Q4.

Table 2: Housebuilding completions for 2022-23 and 2023-24, by quarter.

                     2022-23                    2023-24
  Apr - Jun (Q1) Jul - Sep (Q2) Oct - Dec (Q3) Jan - Mar (Q4) Apr - Jun (Q1) Jul - Sep (Q2) Oct - Dec (Q3) Jan - Mar (Q4)
Private Led 4,114 4,358 4,669 3,718 3,909 3,404 4,076 3,200
Local Authority 323 822 361 397 391 449 482 343
Housing Association 897 1,309 1,272 1,538 608 1,116 829 825
Social Sector 1,220 2,131 1,633 1,935 999 1,565 1,311 1,168
All Sector 5,334 6,489 6,302 5,653 4,908 4,969 5,387 4,368


Table 2 shows lower private sector led completions (-14%, -518 homes), local authority led completions (-14%; -54 homes) and housing association completions (-46%, -713 homes) when comparing Q4 of 2022-23 and 2023-24. Social sector and private led completions were lower in all four quarters of 2023-24 compared with 2022-23.

Timeseries data along with local authority breakdowns are contained in the supporting Excel tables.



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