
Queen's Printer for Scotland: publication scheme

Guide to information available through the publication scheme of the Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland (QPS).

Guide to information available through our publication scheme

The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (the Act) requires Scottish public authorities to produce and maintain a publication scheme. Authorities are under a legal obligation to: 

  • publish the classes of information that they make routinely available
  • tell the public how to access the information and what it might cost
The Office of the Queen’s Printer for Scotland (QPS) has adopted the Model Publication Scheme 2016 produced by the Scottish Information Commissioner.
The purpose of this Guide to Information is to:
  • allow the public to see what information is available (and what is not available) in relation to each class
  • state what charges may be applied
  • explain how to find the information easily
  • provide contact details for enquiries and to get help with accessing the information
  • explain how to request information we hold that has not been published 

Availability and formats

The information we publish through the model scheme is in most cases on our website. We offer alternative arrangements for people who do not want to, or cannot, access the information online or by inspection at our premises. For example, we can usually arrange to send information to you in paper copy (although there may be a charge for this). 

Exempt information

We will publish the information we hold that falls within the classes of information below. If a document contains information that is exempt under the Act, (for example sensitive personal information or a trade secret), we will remove or redact the information before publication and explain why.


The QPS is a Crown body and the information we produce, and list in this publication scheme is subject to Crown copyright. Crown copyright information can be freely reused under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.  


This section explains when we may make a charge for our publications and how any charge will be calculated. 
There is no charge to view information on our website or at our premises. 
We may charge for providing information to you, e.g. photocopying and postage, but we will charge you no more than it actually costs us to do so. We will always tell you what the cost is before providing the information to you. 
Our photocopying charges per sheet of paper are, where charges apply: 10p per A4 side of paper (black and white copy) and 30p per A4 side of paper (colour copy). 
Postage costs will be recharged at the rate we paid to send the information to you by Royal Mail First Class. 
When providing copies of pre-printed publications, we will charge no more than the cost per copy, pro rata, of the total print run. 
We do not pass on any other costs to you in relation to our published information. 
Please note that the charges above do not apply to our commercial publications (see Class 8 below). These items are offered for sale through retail outlets such as book shops, academic journal websites or museum shops and their price reflects a 'market value' which may include the cost of production.

Contact us

You can contact us for assistance with any aspect of this publication scheme: 

The Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland
The Library
GD Bridge
Victoria Quay
Edinburgh  EH6 6QQ 

Tel: 020 8392 5218
We will also advise you how to ask for information that we do not publish or how to complain if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of the publication scheme.

The classes of information that we publish

We publish information that we hold within the following classes. Once information is published under a class we will continue to make it available for the current and previous two financial years.
Where information has been updated or superseded, only the current version will be available. If you would like to see previous versions, you may make a request to us for that information.

 Class 1: About the authority

Information about the authority, who we are, where to find us, how to contact us, how we are managed and our external relations

About the QPS

Contacting the QPS 

Class 2: How we deliver our functions and services

Information about our work, our strategy and policies for delivering functions and services and information for our service users

QPS annual reports 

Scottish legislation on 

Class 3: How we take decisions and what we have decided

Information about the decisions we take, how we make decisions and how we involve others

QPS annual reports 

The QPS does not have its own decision making committees. Information about how the QPS makes decisions can be found under Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources

Class 4: What we spend and how we spend it

Information about our strategy for, and management of, financial resources (in sufficient detail to explain how we plan to spend public money and what has actually been spent)

QPS annual reports 

Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources

Information about how we manage the human, physical and information resources of the authority

The QPS does not employ its own staff; have its own premises or computer systems. Members of staff performing functions on behalf of the QPS are all employees of  The National Archives.

Records relating to QPS functions are managed in accordance with the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011. Further information is available in the QPS Records Management Plan  

Class 6: How we procure goods and services from external providers

Information about how we procure goods and services, and our contracts with external providers

The QPS does not set its own procurement strategies. Information about how the QPS decides strategies can be found under Class 5: How we manage our human, physical and information resources

Contract relating to Capture, Transformation, and Dissemination Services for Scottish Legislation and Associated Products 

Class 7: How we are performing 

Information about how we perform as an organisation, and how well we deliver our functions and services

QPS annual reports 

Class 8: Our commercial publications

Information packaged and made available for sale on a commercial basis and sold at market value through a retail outlet e.g., bookshop, museum or research journal

Scottish legislation is freely accessible in a range of formats on Further information about these formats can be found under Class 9: Our open data

The publication of legislation in print is carried out under contract by The Stationery Office Ltd. If you wish to purchase printed copies of legislation, further information including details on costs can be obtained from The Stationery Office Ltd (TSO)  

 Class 9: Our open data

Open data made available by the authority as described by the Scottish Government’s Open Data Resource Pack and available under an open licence

Legislation content on is available in several different formats. These are all accessible using the Legislation API detailed below and the data is free to re-use under the Open Government Licence v3:


The default display option for pages on is an XHTML rendering of the content, e.g. . This format is also accessible via the API by adding “/data.htm” to the end of the URI, e.g.  

Crown Legislation Mark-up Language (CLML) XML: 

CLML is used to represent UK legislation in XML. It’s the base format for legislation published on A version of the CLML Schema, which is owned and maintained by The National Archives, can be accessed online at . To access CLML XML versions of legislation add “/data.xml” to the URI for any legislation content page, e.g. to view the

CLML XML for the URI would be  

Generated PDF:

The generated PDF format is a rendering of the XHTML view designed for printing. To access the generated PDF versions of legislation add “/data.pdf” to the URI for any legislation content page, e.g. to view the generated PDF for the URI would be    

Akoma Ntoso XML:

Akoma Ntoso is an international standard for representing legal documents as XML. You can find more information about Akoma Ntoso at . To access the Akoma Ntoso XML versions of legislation add “/data.akn” to the URI for any legislation content page, e.g. to view the generated PDF for the URI would be  


The HTML5 format provides a serialization of the Akoma Ntoso XML in HTML5. To access the HTML5 versions of legislation add “/data.html” to the URI for any legislation content page, e.g. to view the generated PDF for the URI would be   

To make data extraction easier for re-users all legislation search result pages are available as ATOM feeds as well as the default HTML view by adding “/data.feed” to the URI. For example the feed for the search result page would be  

Code used to display and transform data between formats on the website is available for public reuse in our GitHub repository  

This data is free to re-use under the Open Government Licence v3 


QPS publication scheme 2018



The Office of the Queen's Printer for Scotland
The Library
GD Bridge
Victoria Quay
EH6 6QQ 

Tel: 020 8392 5218 

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