
Reaching 100% Programme (R100) - State Aid: consultation

A State Aid public consultation to confirm eligible premises for public investment via the Reaching 100% Programme (R110) which is striving to extend the availability of NGA broadband infrastructure to deliver superfast broadband access to 100% of premises in Scotland.

8. Information Requested

This section specifies the information you are requested to provide in response to this State aid public consultation in relation to the presence of broadband infrastructure.

The Scottish Government is requesting information on, and supporting evidence for, any current or planned (within the next 3 years) investment in broadband infrastructure in Scotland, where this may not be already included within the proposed NGA and Basic broadband intervention area maps attached.

For any current or planned coverage not included within the proposed State aid intervention areas shown on the attached map, Scottish Government is requesting information at premise level, using the template issued by Scottish upon request to show existing or planned coverage by your broadband infrastructure investment. By 'covered' (or 'passed') Scottish Government means that fixed network infrastructure is or will be available to the premises, potentially subject to a final drop connection, or that the premises are able to receive a suitable quality radio signal over the air interface, potentially subject to the installation of a suitable antenna.

Any information provided in response to this State aid public consultation should include, but need not be limited to:

  • Detailed maps for NGA broadband showing existing and planned coverage, for at least the next 3 years.
  • Details of premises covered or passed that fixed network infrastructure is or will be available to the premises within the next 3 years, potentially subject to a final drop connection, or that the premises are able to receive a suitable quality radio signal over the air interface, potentially subject to the installation of a suitable antenna.
  • A detailed description of the technology solution(s) deployed (or to be deployed) in your broadband infrastructure, demonstrating how they meet the minimum standards as set out in the BDUK NGA Technology Guidelines.
  • A description of the services/products currently offered, and separately those services/products to be offered within the next 3 years.
  • Installation, annual/monthly subscription, and additional volume or per-service tariffs for those services/products (identifying whether such tariffs are inclusive or exclusive of VAT).
  • Upload and download speeds typically experienced by end-users, and how these may vary by factors such as distance, increased take-up or demand, contention, etc.
  • Appropriate indicators of the quality of services (e.g. contention ratios, bandwidth allocation per user, etc), including any characteristics (e.g. latency, jitter) that are required to support advanced services such as video conferencing or HD video streaming.
  • Evidence to substantiate actual or planned coverage claims, including business cases and evidence of available funding to enable plans to be fulfilled.
  • Details and planned timing of roll-out of any future investments, including further investments required to cope with future increases in take-up or demand.

Please supplement the required information above with any supporting evidence as you consider appropriate (e.g. links to public websites).



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