
Race equality action plan: final report

Progress made on the actions in the Race Equality Action Plan 2017 to 2021 and action taken to tackle race inequality in response to the 2020 to 2021 COVID-19 pandemic as well as action from 2021 onwards to implement the aims of the Race Equality Framework 2016-2030.

Annex G – Participation and Representation

These annexes provide updates on all original actions from the Race Equality Action Plan followed by updates on the reprioritised and refocused actions from the end of Year 2. Additional activity in Year 3 that has taken place in response to either COVID-19 or Black Lives Matter is then captured.

Action status categorisation is as follows

  • Complete*
  • Ongoing**
  • Paused
  • Reprioritised

*We cannot see this work as being done just because an action has been completed within a timeframe. For some actions, the marking of a status as complete may mean that the specific one-off action as originally proposed has been undertaken however work continues in this area and this is reflected in the update.

** Actions may be marked as 'ongoing' for the same reason. Much of the work reflected in these annexes is long-term in nature and continues beyond the end of the REAP.

Year 1 only
Action Action Status Update
We will work in partnership with Young Scot to develop a Strategic Participation Panel of minority ethnic young people, building on the Fairer Future project, to develop skills and understanding for young people to participate in local and national decision making processes. Complete Young Scot worked with the Scottish Government to set up a team of people, aged 14-21, to implement the Actions and Recommendations from the Fairer Future project. The team explored the six key themes identified in the first phase of Fairer Future and worked with Young Scot and the Scottish Government to begin implementing the Recommendations and Actions set out in the first phase Ideas report. Although some of this work was delayed in 2020, there is ongoing activity to ensure that we continue to embed working with young people into development process of all actions.
We will work with stakeholders and minority ethnic communities in developing awareness, learning and capacity building in relation to participation requests that can be made under the Community Empowerment Act. Complete In 2017-18 the Scottish Government funded the Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) to deliver learning and support workshops to 30 BME community members in Glasgow and Fife. Learning from the programme was captured in a report provided to the Scottish Government in June 2018. SCDC published the findings of their "One Piece of the Puzzle report which highlights learning about Participation Requests from communities and groups that include ME groups in August 2018. A three year evaluation of Participation Request legislation was conducted by Glasgow Caledonian University on behalf of Scottish Government and a final report provided on 8th April 2020. The evaluation recommends that public service authorities should encourage groups from marginalised communities to take part in processes and contribute to developing services that effectively support their needs. The Scottish Government Guidance on participation requests highlights a range of activities that may be required to promote participation requests to specific groups with protected characteristics and 'disadvantaged and marginalised groups' more broadly. In 2019/20 SCDC carried out work in three development sites specifically targeting community groups experiencing disadvantage (populations in the most deprived 20% SIMD datazones or supporting local communities of interest with protected characteristics) to support local authorities develop their own support mechanisms including staff awareness raising and toolkits. Awareness raising sessions have been conducted in areas of disadvantaged or excluded communities including North Lanarkshire, Inverness, and Falkirk. Sessions were also conducted with the Scottish Refugee Council. To build on the success of the last three years and continue to embed part 3 of the Community Empowerment Act, SCDC were invited to provide a proposal for participation requests work in 2020/21.
We will develop an outcomes focussed approach to volunteering in Scotland, building relevant minority ethnic related research into the emerging evidence base and including key race equality partners in the evidence and analysis group that will be tasked with looking at this work. Complete The Third Sector Unit worked with the sector and partners to develop a Volunteering Outcomes Framework over the course of 2018. This framework will be co-produced with the sector and be evidence led. A programme of activity to realise the development of this Framework is now finalised and includes a strand of activity around evidence and analysis. A Volunteering Literature Review was then commissioned with equalities considerations including relevant minority ethnic research built into the specification. The Scottish Government published its Volunteering For All Framework in April 2019 along with a review of the research literature on volunteering and a research summary document. Work is now underway to develop a Volunteering Action Plan to implement the outcomes identified in the Framework.
We will work with key delivery partners to develop a robust evaluation framework and logic model to measure the impacts of partners community event activity supported by the Multi-cultural Celebration of the Year of History, Heritage and Archaeology. Complete BEMIS Scotland continue to be involved in Themed Years activity and in 2018 ran a Year of Young People small grants fund, in conjunction with the Scottish Government's Equality Unit, to boost minority ethnic community participation in the Year. The evaluation of this, together with the 2018/19 Scotland's Winter Festivals is available here BEMIS Year of Young People and Scottish Winter Festival evaluation The Major Events team are using this, and other relevant material, to continue to refine the logic model and evaluation framework they had developed following 2017's Themed Years/Winter Festivals multi-cultural celebrations. From 2018 onwards emerging evidence has shown that communities are starting to deliver their own events without central funding support. Within Themed Years this is supported through the Partner Events Programme, administered by VisitScotland, which offers a free, non-funded opportunity to align an event with the Year and benefit from potential inclusion in our promotional activity in celebration of the Year.
Year 2 only
We will mark the International Decade for People of African Descent over 2018-2019 with an innovative programme of events. Ongoing We are working with community groups to better understand what work they would like to see done as part of this decade of work and where people of African descent want to be in 10 years' time. As part of this the African Council of Scotland and Intercultural Youth Scotland were given funding to undertake consultation activities with people of African descent to gauge what activities will be most meaningful for these communities. Some of the planned activity included: African Council of Scotland
  • The hosting of an event for Africa Day on 25 May 2020, a celebration/conference that typically has representation from over 170 African attendees from across Scotland for each event with over 14 African countries.
  • A series of Regional workshops aimed at strengthening the foundation laid by the outcome of the 2011 Census, in which 90% of Africans in Scotland rejected the hitherto ascribed racial ("Black") label, and reclaimed their African cultural identity and history; and use this achievement to build capacity, and implement the aims of the UNDPAD - by focussing on three themes which are critical to Africans cultural and economic empowerment: Recognition, Respect, and Representation – which would serve as underpinning principles for enabling the Council to achieve the UN Mandate.
Intercultural Youth Scotland
  • Two events were planned, one in Glasgow and one in Edinburgh, inviting young people from across Scotland to engage in a Music / Rap / Storytelling workshops. One event was staged in Edinburgh before COVID lockdown before March where IYS worked with a group to set out the project aims and further research/event in Glasgow.
  • Improving race equality in sport Decade report were developed and built into a working document, online on IYS website.
  • Workshops were organised with a Glasgow local music business who has a studio and evidence of working with Black young people. This had to be cancelled due to COVID restrictions.
  • Engagement was undertaken with four Black influencers in Glasgow (two of whom are now IYS employees) who contributed to the content for the film and the report.
  • On the back of the IYS successful research report "in sight" a survey was developed to have a wider reach to those who couldn't make the two events so that Black young people could give their views on the objectives of the International Decade in a specialised youth friendly way. The survey was developed with youth Black influencers and IYS Ambassadors to ensure the survey questions were youth led and culturally sensitive. They produced around 50 questions and submissions were received from 100 Black young people from across Scotland, all led by 5 Black Ambassadors who directly worked with 20 Black young people through telephone calls and zoom to make sure the survey had thorough reflections and cultural support when talking about racism and racial trauma.
  • An upcoming report and short spoken word/rap performances will be published early in April with a hope of staging an online launch event hosted by Black young people who led in the research design and report.
Some of the postponed activity will now take place online in 2021 and revised activity programmes, to take into consideration the changes to the landscape in light of COVID-19, are under development.
Multi-year actions
Action Action Status Update
During the first half of 2018 we will agree and publish a public appointments action plan detailing specific actions on research and positive action steps, in partnership with the Commissioner for Ethical Standards in Public Life in Scotland, race equality and other relevant intermediary organisations. Complete The public appointments race equality action plan is published here. Work on the actions is now underway and further detail can be found in the case study in the main report. .
We will monitor the impact of the Equal Representation in Politics self-assessment tool with the Equal Representation Coalition over 2018-2020, to inform a new set of actions in the next Action Planning period to increase representation in elected office for minority ethnic communities and other under-represented groups. Complete The Equal Representation Tool was launched in spring 2018 and met with a lot of initial interest. In June 2019, The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER) reviewed the impact of the toolkit by looking at the website analytics and writing to political party headquarters. Key findings were:
  • A high bounce rate suggesting that people were visiting the site, then quickly (within about a minute), navigating away. This indicated that people were not using the website as intended, i.e. taking the quizzes within the toolkit and doing the associated reading.
  • With only 35% of parties visiting from the UK, it is assumed that a majority of users were not visiting the website as part of their party role, instead people were searching for related terms and coming through to the website this way.
  • Nearly half of those coming to the website were coming from a search engine, with 85% of those leaving after visiting the page they landed on. Aside from the homepage, the page on targets vs quotas was the most popular landing page, and the page with the longest average view time and a 95% bounce rate. This suggested that people were searching for information on targets and quotas, coming to the site, then navigating away.
CRER also wrote to the five political parties represented in the Scottish Parliament to ask them about their knowledge of, and involvement with, the tool but received no response. The available analysis undertaken by CRER therefore indicated that this tool is not being used as intended and that there has been little sustained engagement with political parties, at least through website-based resources. This brief evaluation did not explore if the Toolkit or associated resources had been utilised in any other way. Engender has recently advertised a one-year post for a Development Officer specifically to work on and progress this tool.
We will work with a group of civic society representatives, including race equality partner organisations, to engage with minority ethnic communities in the development of the Participation Framework towards completion in summer 2018. Ongoing The core content of the Participation Framework has now been delivered, and will be published internally in the coming weeks. The framework has been devised by Involve, who have developed the core advice and documents. A programme of work has been commissioned from an independent expert to scope what additional tools, content and guidance are required to ensure that inclusion is fully embedded within the framework. This work will be followed by a process of user testing conducted by a service designer to ensure key strategic, tactical and organisational elements are in place so that policy makers have the confidence, competence and tools to involve the public, inclusively, in participation. This will include testing with race equality stakeholders. Governance continues to be delivered through an internal 'steering group' from across a variety of areas in Scottish Government to oversee the development and an experts' working group, which includes equalities expertise. Updates on this piece of work have been published on our website.
We will work in partnership with key delivery partners to develop and co-ordinate a Minority Ethnic Women's network to develop skills and understanding for women to participate in local and national decision making processes. Complete The Scottish Minority Ethnic Women's Network (SMEWN) was developed and supported by CEMVO Scotland since 2017 to enable minority ethnic women to have a voice and to influence policy and decision making at local and national levels. The SMEWN currently has 140 registered members. All women that have engaged with the network have found it to be a positive experience, for they have engaged in a way that they previously had not had the opportunity to do so. The main aspects being:
  • Opportunity to network with other minority ethnic women.
  • Developing a collective voice to feed into policies, practices and legislation that will make an impact for ME women and communities.
  • Mentoring support.
  • Partnership building.
  • Confidence and assertiveness building.
As part of its development, the SMEWN became a registered Charity and was successfully launched on October 2019 by Christina McKelvie MSP, Minister for Equalities and Older People. The newly formed Board consisting of 10 Network members agreed a workplan that focussed on key topics such as employment, health and education In 2020, the SMEWN Board with continued CEMVO support, planned, designed and delivered a series of webinars under the theme of "Let's Break to Educate." Topics included Impact of COVID-19, home schooling, employment, human rights law and Black Lives Matter. These webinar sessions were all well attended and feedback has been highly positive. It is planned that a summary report of the webinar series will be drafted and circulated widely online in the coming months.
We will work with key delivery partners to identify opportunities to boost the engagement of minority ethnic, faith and cultural communities in the 2018 Year of Young People; the Winter Festivals and the future Themed Years from 2020. Complete The EQIA for the 2018 Year of Young People concluded it will provide quality opportunities to engage with Scotland's diverse range of young people and provide them with a significant platform to shine The Major Events team are using this, and other relevant material, to continue to refine the logic model and evaluation framework they had developed following 2017's Themed Years/Winter Festivals multi-cultural celebrations. The majority of events planned for 2020 Year of Coasts and Waters have been delayed due to COVID.
We will work with a range of partners - including organisations representing the minority ethnic, faith and cultural communities- on the development of an Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the 2018 European Championships, 2019 Solheim Cup and Euro 2020. Complete The Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) for the European Championships 2018 was published on 30 June 2018 (see web- link below). This showcased a number of opportunities to boost equality across all of the protected groups and featured highlights from a wide range of successful partner activities aimed at inviting multi-cultural to participate in the Championships and the associated cultural programme (Festival 2018) The EQIA for the 2019 Solheim Cup was published on 4 September 2019 Amongst other factors, this concluded that the 2019 Solheim Cup has no negative impacts on any of the protected characteristics and that partner activity should therefore focus on harnessing the full potential of the event to boost equality, inclusion and diversity. Given the nature of the Solheim Cup, showcasing and boosting gender equality in sport is the key opportunity related to this event. However this is not the only opportunity, others include boosting accessibly for disabled and older people and also welcoming the LGBTI community The EQIA for the proposed UEFA European Championship (Scotland) Bill was published on 25 September 2019. The Bill (and now Act) gives powers to let Glasgow host the UEFA European Football Championship Building on earlier Major Events, Scottish Government and the partners at the Scottish Football Association and Glasgow City Council are currently working together with the shared aim of boosting diversity and inclusion at the COVID-delayed Euro 2020; under-pinned by the broad principles of the Equality Impact Assessment process.
We will ensure sportscotland monitors and evaluates the impact of the £2m investment for Scottish governing bodies of sport (SGBs) on minority ethnic participation in sport and physical activity, and share the learning across SGBs so it can be used to inform their equality action plans and programme delivery, ensuring they continue to engage minority ethnic communities in sport and physical activity with the aim of increasing minority ethnic participation in physical activity and sport. Complete The Minister for Public Health and Sport announced £2m of supplementary funding for Scottish Governing Bodies of sport (SGBs) in 2017. Included within this was allocating one-year investment to help SGBs accelerate work around equalities. sportscotland invested in 17 SGBs to accelerate their work in equality, with 5 of these including a focus on race. sportscotland commissioned an external evaluation of this investment, with a full report, executive summary and project summaries published in September 2018. The evaluation analysed monitoring data, qualitative interviews and case studies to understand how SGBs are achieving the outcomes and gather learning on what works. This learning was then shared with all SGBs receiving investment from sportscotland to support the development of their wider work. sportscotland continues to support SGBs to progress against the Equality Standard for Sport and implement the action plans that are developed through this. For example, a grant from Changing Lives through Sport and Physical Activity Fund has allowed Scottish Athletics and the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH) to partner to increase access to jogging activities for people from ME communities, including recruiting and training new jog leaders from ME communities and promoting the benefits of physical activity on mental health. sportscotland has recognised that more work needs to be done in improving race equality in sport. In 2020, they agreed a joint approach with the other home nation sports councils and UK Sport to develop a collective plan to help build a sporting system that's properly reflective of the societies they represent, and to stamp out racism and racial inequality in sport. Two major initial pieces of work have been commissioned as part of the first phase of plans, while the chief executives will also meet regularly to track progress and publish updates. The first piece of work involves bringing together existing data on race and ethnicity in sport to identify gaps and make recommendations, while the second involves creating an opportunity to hear lived experiences of racial inequalities and racism in sport by offering people a safe space to tell their stories. A full report and set of recommendations will be made within six months on both pieces of work.



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