
Race Equality Action Plan programme board minutes: August 2018

Minutes from the first meeting of Race Equality Action Plan (REAP) programme board, held on 22 August 2018.

Attendees and apologies


  • Paul Johnston, Director-General Education, Communities and Justice (Chair)
  • Dominic Munro, Director for Fair Work, Employability and Skills
  • Lesley Fraser, Director for Housing and Social Justice
  • Gillian Russell, Director for Safer Communities
  • Nicola Richards, Director, People Directorate
  • Joe Griffin, Director for Early Learning and Childcare (representing the SG Race Equality Network)
  • Lisa Bird, Deputy Director, Equalities, Human Rights and Third Sector (also representing Stephen Gallagher, Interim Director for Local Government and Communities)
  • Richard McCallum, Deputy Director Health Finance and Infrastructure (representing Christine McLaughlin, Director of Health Finance)
  • Joanne Streeter, Head of Diversity and Inclusion
  • Kaliani Lyle, Independent Race Equality Adviser
  • Harry Dozier, Equality Unit
  • George Ritchie, Equality Unit


  • Fiona Robertson, Director of Learning
  • Lesley Irving, Head of Equality Policy

Items and actions

1. Paul Johnston welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the Race Equality Action Plan (REAP) Programme Board.

2. Lisa Bird explained the background to the REAP. She advised that the Action Plan had been requested by the former Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities to set out how we will deliver our outcomes in line with the Race Equality Framework. She advised that the Plan covered the period up to 2021, and that the actions had been guided by the report by Kaliani Lyle, Addressing Race Inequality in Scotland – The Way Forward. She also advised that the Plan enjoyed the full support of Ministers and is a long term commitment where work will continue beyond 2021.

3. Kaliani Lyle provided her reflections on the work carried out on Race Equality to date. She said that today’s meeting was a huge step forward and welcomed the commitment to the Programme Board and Action Plan given by Paul Johnston and other senior colleagues. 

Kaliani Lyle spoke about the importance of learning lessons from previous initiatives, and that consideration needs to be given to what impact we want the actions within the REAP to achieve and how we measure them. She also questioned what work is being done to combat discrimination and address its perpetrators. 

Paul Johnston welcomed Kaliani’s reflections and her invaluable contributions to date. He agreed with Kaliani’s request for greater clarity as to her role on the Programme Board going forward, recognising that it differs from that of SG Directors.  Paul was also keen to ensure there was sufficient challenge to the Board and the work carried out on the Action Plan, and suggested that the stated overarching vision and commitment of the Board should be further refined.

Kaliani Lyle stressed the importance of measuring impact and hearing from the people that the Action Plan would affect. It was agreed that the Programme Board should facilitate the sharing of information, learning and best practice from initiatives in each area. It should also consider how best to engage with people who have direct experience of the issues we are tackling

4. Board members provided an update on the work being carried out in their areas, noting areas of progress and where further input is needed. 

There was agreement that the actions relating to Gypsy/Travellers were a good example of where initiatives were working successfully and making a difference. 

It was agreed that, while it was important to ensure delivery of individual actions, it’s critical that the Board also take a strategic view of Race Equality, taking the opportunity to review how our efforts are contributing to making a difference and any particular issues that may require more focused attention by the Board. 

5. It was agreed that the Programme Board would consider an updated remit to reflect the discussions for review at the next meeting.

It was also agreed that a joint meeting between the Programme Board and the Delivery Group, who will be responsible for ensuring the progress of all actions, would be useful.

The board noted that consideration needed to be given to what actions it could take to monitor and support Scottish Government’s performance as an equal opportunity employer.

6. The next meeting of the Programme Board will take place on 12 November 2018. 

7. Actions

  • Harry Dozier to update and recirculate drafts of the Programme Board and Delivery Group remit for comment
  • Harry Dozier to recirculate paper on annual Race Equality Conference for comment and approval by w/e 7 September
  • all Directors to send nominations for Delivery Group to Harry and George Ritchie by end of September 2018



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