
Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme Curriculum Reform SubGroup: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Curriculum Reform group, a sub group of the Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme Stakeholder Network Group.

Our purpose

The Curriculum Reform Sub-Group (known as ‘the Group’) of the Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme has been set up to consider and identify actions that will promote and embed race equality and anti-racism in the curriculum in a meaningful, effective and sustainable way.

Draft vision

Scotland’s schools and early learning environments will promote and embed racial equity, anti-racism and global citizenship through its systems, leadership and curriculum. All of our learners and the people that support them will benefit from a curriculum, culture and ethos that reflects the diversity of the early learning and school community, Scotland and the wider world.

The role of Scotland and the UK in colonial history and the impact it has on the modern world will feature in teaching and learning to ensure our young people have an understanding and awareness of the British Empire and colonialism, including slavery and other human rights violations, past and present.


The Scottish Government have committed to addressing the systemic barriers to race equality and anti-racism in the education system. This was outlined in the curriculum reform paper that was discussed at the May Stakeholder Network meeting. This includes a recognition that a meaningful, responsive and effective approach to race equality and anti-racism in education requires a whole-system approach that involves everyone and, most importantly, visible leadership at all levels.

The Group will consider and create actions and recommendations, in partnership with people and organisations with shared ambitions, lived experience and expertise, aimed at understanding the current positon, disrupting the status quo and leading the change and progress required to realise the vision.

The Group will:

  • agree on action and solutions for short, medium and long-term change
  • actively seek the views of practitioners, young people and parents of colour and with a racialised identity and the wider community in developing improvement actions that are rooted in lived experience
  • consider existing evidence as to where good practice in embedding race equality and anti-racism in Scottish education and learning already exists 
  • identify good practice, from other parts of the UK and internationally, and consider their relevance for the Scottish context

The meeting schedule outlines the plans for covering the key issues.

Membership and principles

Membership of the Group is at the invitation of the Scottish Government (full membership at Annex B). The Group consists of people with expertise and experience in race equality, anti-racism and education. Members should bring their expertise to the Group and contribute in a constructive and respectful way, recognising the different – but equally valuable – views held amongst members.

The Group will acknowledge and value that some members have lived experience of racism and some do not, resulting in discussions having differential impacts. Members should be mindful that the Group is a safe space for discussion.

Where differences of opinion and perspective arise, the Group will ensure these are explored and addressed and do not become a barrier to progress and action. Any actions required to address conflict will be led by the Chair and Deputy Chair with the support of the Secretariat. Where members have any concerns or issues with the working of Group that require consideration and review they should initially be directed to the Chair and Deputy Chair.

Members will demonstrate commitment to make a positive, practical, meaningful and lasting contribution, working together to drive action to facilitate outcomes addressing race inequality and anti-racism in the curriculum. The Group will be action-focused and will seek actions, interventions and change from an anti-racist perspective, as a result of open, honest and mutually-supportive dialogue. 

The Group will benefit from networks which support some of the members and their organisations and will actively seek opportunities to engage and involve others. Members will communicate with and provide feedback from their organisations (where appropriate) and ensure regular communication with the Group and other relevant stakeholders.

The Group will meet every six weeks.  While the majority of people continue to work from home meetings will be held through MS Teams and this will be kept under review. 

Members are expected to attend meetings wherever possible. The substitution of a deputy is welcome on the understanding that the deputy will provide a report on the meeting to the substantive Group member.  Please notify the Secretariat in advance if you can.

Leadership and secretariat support

Meetings will be led by the Chair with support from the Deputy Chair. 

The Curriculum Unit in the Scottish Government Learning Directorate will provide secretariat support (papers, planning, information and support to members etc) to the Group and will manage links with the wide range of other organisations and activities relevant to this programme of work. 

Reports from Group discussions will be shared with the Stakeholder Network and the internal Scottish Government Programme Board. Mélina Valdelièvre will be a member of all SubGroups and will have a role in identifying themes and areas where collaboration and careful alignment are required to achieve ambitions.

Papers and minutes

Meeting papers will be sent to members at least one week in advance of meetings. Meeting papers will usually be prepared by the Secretariat, with input from Group members and other partners on occasion. Minutes will be issued for comment within one week of meeting. Papers and minutes of meetings will be published on the Scottish Government’s website unless agreed otherwise. 

The Group will seek to develop an Interim report in early 2022 setting out progress so far which will be submitted to key policy and delivery bodies.


Group members will be advised of any media plans and will be invited to contribute and sign off content.

Partnership and coproduction with the Young People’s Group will be a key feature of the activity of the Group. It was hoped that this Group would be established by the time of the first Group meeting but the process remains to be finalised. A partnership agreement will be drawn up at the earliest opportunity to set out how we’ll work together.


The Scottish Government Curriculum Unit has a budget of £300k to support the development and implementation of actions from the Group up to 31 March 2024.

Meeting Schedule

Key pillars of work:

  • consideration of the curriculum structure/ framework and where change might be required to support consistent and sustainable change
  • the development and dissemination of resources for education practitioners to support effective and responsive teaching that embeds race equality and anti-racism across the curriculum

There are a number of other associated and high-priority issues to address, including the senior phase and the responsibility of the SQA and Skills Development Scotland (careers advice), engaging with parents, families and the local community, promoting pupil leadership and agency

Meeting 1

Introductions, agreement of Terms of Reference, discussion of priorities and workplan.

Meeting 2

Discussion on curriculum framework and structure change:

  • ES/ SG to provide a scoping paper
  • group to discuss views and give a steer on areas for further consideration
  • volunteers to participate in working group to take forward activity

Meeting 3

Consideration of resources with potential future role on quality assurance and creation established.

Meeting 4

Discussion on the senior phase including SQA and careers advice.

Meeting 5

Involving parents, families, communities + pupil leadership and agency.

Meeting times and dates

  • Meeting 1: 3.45pm – 5.30pm on Monday 23 August 2021
  • Meeting 2: 3.45pm – 5.30pm on Thursday 7 October 2021
  • Meeting 3: 3.45pm – 5.30pm on Thursday 18 November 2021
  • Meeting 4: 3.45pm – 5.30pm Thursday on 13 January 2022
  • Meeting 5: 3.45pm – 5.30pm Thursday on 24 February 2022
  • Meeting 6: 3.45pm – 5.30pm Thursday on 7 April 2022
  • Meeting 7: 3.45pm – 5.30pm Thursday on 19 May 2022
  • Meeting 8: 3.45pm – 5.30pm Thursday on 30 June 2022

Membership of the Curriculum Reform Sub-group

  • Jovan Rao Rydder, Deputy Chair, Intercultural Youth Scotland
  • Carol Young, Deputy Director, Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights
  • Nuzhat Uthmani, Primary Teacher, Glasgow City Council
  • Crisantos Ike, MSYP, Rutherglen
  • Mark Chan, MSYP for Kilmarnock and Irvine Valley
  • Urooj Chaudhary, MSYP for Glasgow Pollok
  • Titilayo Farukuoye, Education Programme, Intercultural Youth Scotland
  • Hakim Din, Education and race consultant
  • Sadia Hussain-Savuk, Biology Teacher, Fettes College, Edinburgh
  • Lewis Hou, The Anti-Racist Educator and Science Ceilidh
  • Asif Chishti, Senior Education Officer – National Diversity Lead, General Teaching Council for Scotland
  • Sara Medel Jiménez, STUC Black Workers Committee + Spanish Teacher
  • Pavithra Sarma, Anti-racism consultant and Co-founder, Scottish Anti-Racism Education
  • Matthew Sweeney, Convention of Scottish Local Authorities
  • Peter McNaughton, Association of Directors of Education in Scotland
  • Michael Roach, Head of Education, Inverclyde Council
  • Frank Thomson, Community Learning and Development Managers Scotland
  • Monica Medina, Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Ian Morrison, Humanities, Scottish Qualifications Authority
  • Theo Ogbhemhe, Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies, Kirkwall Grammar School
  • Laura-Ann Currie, Head of Inclusion, Equalities and Wellbeing
  • Lynne Robertson, Social Studies Senior Education Officer
  • Mélina Valdelièvre, Lead Specialist in Race Equality, Professional Leadership and Learning
  • Graeme Wallace, Curriculum Innovation Senior Education Officer, Education Scotland
  • Stuart Downes, Health and Wellbeing in Education
  • Laura Ross (Workstream Lead), Curriculum Unit

MSYP Support  

  • Rosy Burgess, Scottish Youth Parliament

Scottish Government Learning Directorate

  • Zarina Naseem, Curriculum Unit
  • Laura Ross, Curriculum Unit – Lead Secretariat
  • Stuart Downes, Support and Wellbeing 

Education Scotland

  • Jacqui Nimmo, Senior Education Officer, Inclusion, Wellbeing and Equalities
  • Lynne Robertson, Social Studies Curriculum Senior Education Officer
  • Mélina Valdelièvre, Professional Learning and Leadership (+ Anti-Racist Educator)
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