
Race Equality Framework implementation approach

Report highlighting how Scottish Government will promote race equality and tackle racism and inequality between 2016 and 2030.

Implementation Approach of the Race Equality Framework for Scotland 2016-2030

The Race Equality Framework is being delivered by the Scottish Government and is coordinated by the Race Equality Team within the Equality Unit, with support and input from policy areas across Scottish Government who own the actions outlined in the Framework itself. As a model of mainstreaming, implementation against the actions includes linking and engaging external delivery partners and policy areas across Scottish Government, with an expectation that there will be a highlight report in 2017, an actions update report at the end of Year Two, and a published refresh in 2020.

This Approach is supported by an Implementation Plan and a Risk Register which are internal working documents, which are updated on an ongoing basis and will inform the published reports.

Race Equality Framework Adviser

  • The 2016 SNP manifesto and Programme for Government included a commitment to appoint a Race Equality Framework Adviser to help implement the Framework.
  • On 7 December 2016, the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security & Equalities announced the appointment of Ms Kaliani Lyle in an innovative role to champion race equality and to help drive forward the implementation of the Race Equality Framework.
  • The key role of the Adviser is to provide strategic independent expertise, insight, assurance and scrutiny to Scottish Government on race equality framed within the broad context of the Race Equality Framework itself.

1. Background

  • On 21 March 2016, the Scottish Government published the Race Equality Framework, setting out the Government's approach to promoting race equality and tackling racism and inequality between 2016 and 2030.
  • Our Vision for a fairer Scotland is that by 2030 Scotland is a place where people are healthier, happier and treated with respect, and where opportunities, wealth and power are spread more equally.
  • The Race Equality Framework aims to ensure that this vision is achieved equally for people from all ethnicities, helping to build a Scotland where we all share a common sense of belonging.

2. Our Approach

The Framework sets out a large number of actions grouped around goals within each vision with a view to delivering over the 15 year span of the Framework.Scottish Government will work with partners across the public sector, with race equality stakeholders and communities, so together we can create this vision of a fairer and purposeful Scotland for minority ethnic communities.

To achieve this, we are:

  • Agreeing our overarching approach to implementation and monitoring with key stakeholders, including governance and review arrangements;
  • Developing implementation planning mechanisms to cover the initial four year phase of work, with ongoing reviews and updates of the Framework built into longer-term planning over the 15 year period; and
  • Developing progress reporting mechanisms to establish a transparent, accountable approach to monitoring.

This Approach identifies the required structures in which to progress, monitor and evaluate the implementation of the actions from the Race Equality Framework in a way which:

  • Involves all relevant stakeholders from the statutory and third sectors and communities;
  • Makes links with wider governance and reporting structures, for example Independent Poverty Adviser; Fair Work Convention; Fairer Scotland Action Plan; Commissioner for Fair Access; and
  • Supports the identification and development of future goals and actions with the Race Equality Framework.

3. Governance Structure

3.1 Roles and Responsibilities

Responsibility for the implementation of the Race Equality Framework rests with the Scottish Government Equality Unit and ultimately with the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities.

The Race Equality Team recognises that our key partners need to play their role in progressing the actions in the Race Equality Framework and we will continue our engagement with them throughout the life of the Race Equality Framework.

3.2 Implementation

The Race Equality Team is responsible for:

  • Co-ordination of implementation of actions
  • Implementation planning
  • Implementation interface with all key Stakeholders
  • Holding meetings with key stakeholders
  • Risk and Issue management - escalating risk as appropriate

Policy Action Owners are responsible for:

  • Day to day delivery of owned actions
  • Providing updates to the implementation/ Race Equality Team
  • Content development for future actions

3.3. Monitoring and Reporting mechanisms

Our approach to implementation will be open, transparent and accountable in our reporting to:

  • Ministers
  • Stakeholders
  • Communities

The Race Equality Team will update activity and progress towards implementation of the Race Equality Framework actions and:

  • has developed an Implementation Plan and Risk Register to record progress against all actions;
  • will agree final outcomes and timescales with each policy action owner;
  • has developed a Communication and Engagement Plan; and
  • will review and adjust actions over the lifetime of the Framework annually with a review in 2020 and 2025.

This will be summarised and published online via:

  • Year 1 Highlight Report
  • Year 2 Actions Update Report
  • End of 4 Year Refresh Report

4. Engagement & Communication

4.1 Communication

The Race Equality Team will liaise and communicate with all relevant parties as required. This will include:

  • Scottish Government Communications
  • Ministers
  • Special Advisers
  • Stakeholders/partners
  • Scottish Government policy action owners and other internal colleagues for any significant updates to the Race Equality Framework delivery
  • Academics

Our strategic partners on race equality are BEMIS and CEMVO, who have a key role in supporting delivery. We also work closely with CRER, who have been funded to provide specific support around the Race Equality Framework.

4.2 Engagement

The Race Equality Team communicates and meets with its key partners: BEMIS; CEMVO and CRER on an ongoing regular basis to discuss the implementation and monitoring of the Race Equality Framework actions. These partners will inform the implementation process to support development of our approach and will meet a minimum of twice a year.

The Race Equality Team will also meet with its key delivery partners as above, on a 1:1 quarterly basis to discuss progress towards delivery against specific actions.

Anniversary Event

An Anniversary event will be held on 21 March 2017 with the Cabinet Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities in attendance, to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination by highlighting progress within the first year of implementation of Race Equality Framework, and to frame the appointment of the Race Equality Framework Adviser.

The outcomes of discussion on the day will help develop future work towards achieving the Framework's goals and visions.

Intersectionality engagement

A series of intersectionality roundtable events were held in 2016, the results of which will inform implementation and development of future actions.

A series of Youth Dialogue events are planned for 2017.

A Minority Ethnic Women's network is being established with events being held in 2017 to link in to the Race Equality Framework actions.

Additionally over the course of 2017 we will organise a series of Themed Roundtables linked to the Race Equality Framework policy Theme/ Goal clusters involving policy officials with key experts from a range of statutory and third sector organisations and academia.

5. Wider Links

There is a clear linkage between the Race Equality Framework and the wider overall programme, including Scottish Government Advisers ( e.g. Poverty Adviser) and Groups. For example, connections will be made with the Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality and the Commissioner for Fair Access, linking in the Race Equality Framework actions with all relevant bodies such as the Fairer Scotland Action Plan, the Fair Work Convention, Advisory Council on Women and Girls, the Creative Industries Advisory Board and the Poverty and Inequality Commission.

6. Risk & Issue Management

Issues or risks will be logged and tracked by the Race Equality Team using the Risk Register and reviewed by the Head of Equality Policy. Resolution of the issue or risk will be assigned to a Race Equality team member. The Register will be escalated/ reviewed through existing reporting mechanisms.

Equality Unit
Scottish Government


Email: Monika Dybowski

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