
Race equality framework for Scotland 2016 to 2030

This framework sets out our approach to promoting race equality and tackling racism and inequality between 2016 and 2030.

Concluding Remarks

The Race Equality Framework provides a means by which effective action can be put in place in the period ahead, and the actions it outlines will be taken forward over the first phase of work to achieve our visions across all six themes.

As set out in the introduction, we will work closely with partner agencies and stakeholders to develop practical approaches which ensure the work we do meets our goals. Our approach will draw upon and take advantage of the strengths of our existing race equality infrastructure and legislation, our partnerships with communities and our commitment to equality. The ethos of this Framework is consistent with the stated vision and purpose of the Scottish Government to deliver a fairer and more socially just Scotland and is underpinned by the principles of prosperity, fairness and participation. The Framework forms the core of an ongoing process which puts these principles into practice.

We have worked to engage as many people as we could through the process of developing the Framework with a particular focus on involving people with lived experience of racism and racial inequality. We also worked to capture the expertise of people within public services, voluntary sectors and academia. We want to use the same approach to shape the implementation phase. The Scottish Government has learned a great deal from the people who have taken part in shaping the Framework and the engagement process provides us with a clear mandate and clear view of the practical approaches we need to take into the phase ahead, including the need to:

  • Be strategic but realistic
  • Work in partnership
  • Be inclusive
  • Be accountable
  • Ensure we monitor and provide oversight and are able to demonstrate measurable improvement

Moving into the implementation and monitoring phase, we will continue to engage a wide range of organisations and individuals (from grassroots community organisations to practitioners working in the public sector, academia and policy makers) to develop this approach over the first six months of the Framework's life. Our first Goal within this Framework describes our initial approach to implementation and monitoring of the Race Equality Framework, with plans to support and drive its progress.

The work to progress the actions will be ongoing within the Scottish Government and across our partner organisations throughout 2016 and beyond. Our approach to implementation will look at how the Framework can remain responsive and flexible to accommodate new evidence and change in the demographic and policy environments over the later phases of the Framework's life span and to reflect the progress made to date. We will continue to engage communities and people with direct experience of inequality and discrimination and develop effective engagement methods. We believe that this collaboration will make a considerable contribution to the ultimate success of the Framework.

Importantly, we have said that what we will do and when it will be delivered will be clear and progress will be measurable. This is important not only for us to show visibly our commitment to making progress but also so that others can learn from what has been done. Our approach is ambitious and the way ahead will be challenging; we know we have to be ambitious to deliver a Scotland where racism and racial inequalities no longer exist and where we have achieved our vision of a Scotland where opportunities, wealth and power are spread more equally.



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