
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan minutes: February 2019

Minutes of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan sub-group, which took place in February 2019.

1. Introductions and apologies

The chair welcomed everybody to the meeting and noted apologies as recorded above.

John Mills advised of a slight change to the order of the initial agenda to ensure a more even flow.

2. Minutes & Actions


John Mills noted that it would be beneficial to use the eRDM Connect for wider communication and information sharing among members. He urged members to post commentary for discussion in between Sub-Group meetings.

The minutes of the last meeting on 6 November 2018 were agreed. 


Action Log

Action 6 (6/11 Sub-group meeting): Homelessness team (Kevin Wilkie) is liaising with HIS (Ruth Robin) regarding their infographics and if this can be developed as a stakeholder map for RRTPs.

Action 7 (6/11 Sub-group meeting): Sub-group members to update engagement plan when eRDM connect is available. Team are currently updating that at present and will upload a new version to eRDM Connect by the end of February.

Action 14 (6/11 Sub-group meeting): ALACHO to feedback to HPSG the need to maintain communication of the HARSAG recommendations at national level as part of the development and implementation of the HPSG High Level Action Plan.

Action 7 RRTP (6/9 Sub-group meeting): To make an approach to Chief Officers of HSCPs about group membership. Felt the progress on approaching Chief Officers is too slow. The Homelessness Team advised that SG would welcome steer/narrative from the group members as to what the sub-group wants included in a letter to HSCPs.

The group members highlighted that there needs to be a strategic statement

regarding the position and role of RRTP within the health and social care sector. The current view is that the strategic levels of the sector in Scotland needs to step-up commitment and recognition of the RRTP approach. It was discussed that there is a need for HSCPs to understand how homelessness links with health, and that RRTP is essentially a vehicle for achieving long-term cost savings within the health sector. Ruth Robin commented that the health sector is aware of RRTP however it is not featured as a strategic priority. The group suggested that it should be set out more clearly what the health ask is, both on strategic and operational level. A letter from the Minister should be sent out to health colleagues to support this, outlining collaboration on both strategic and operational level between homelessness and health, and the importance and value of RRTP in achieving national outcomes for health and social care. It was proposed that the letter should include some examples to illustrate the role of health in early intervention, linking in with ADP’s and IJB’s.

Ruth will share draft (HIS) research on eRDM Connect. May help address any lack of understanding of health’s position around Rapid Rehousing. John Mills highlighted Dundee as an area where health and social partners are engaging effectively.

Julie advised that North Lanarkshire Council is about to publish a study looking at the impacts on homeless children as a refresh of work that was done a few years ago. This evidence could support the joint partnership working across sectors.

Discussed engaging those with Lived Experience in ‘what does good RRTP look like’. Maggie will look at taking this forward once we have a suitable RRTP template.

Action 1:  Ruth Robin to share the learning paper on eRDM Connect (Ruth Robin)

Action 2: Discuss collaboration between HSCP and homelessness at the next HPSG meeting in March (John Mills)


3. Scottish Government RRTP Update

Marion updated group members on progress of RRTPs submitted and the review process.

All 32 local authorities RRTPs have been received with the total projected cost of £88m (although not all RRTPs included costings). She pointed out that following an initial skim a small number of RRTP’s were identified as needing a bit more work and that these were being prioritised to allow the relevant authorities the time to address this. It is hoped that the first feedbacks to LAs will be w/c 18th February. The RRTP funding decision timeline and process was discussed, with the Minister keen to be involved in decisions around the plans and funding. 

There was recognition that RRTPs will be continually developed and will be reviewed on annual basis, reflecting local challenges and need. Collaboration between local authorities was encouraged through the Hubs, however some members highlighted a level of competition during the RRTP process in developing the plans especially around funding being sought. 

Acknowledgment that the timing set for RRTP development has been challenging for some LAs, and that continuous conversations with LAs will need to be held to provide feedback and further support. 

The group discussed how to get the message out that RRTP funding is for housing & homelessness transformation rather than funding ‘business as usual’ delivery. The importance of collaboration between LA Housing and Homelessness teams and LAs Directors of Finance was highlighted.


RRTP Funding timeline

The group was advised not to expect early 2019/2020 RRTP funding being released at the start of the next financial year. However, this raised concerns as delayed funding would prevent some LAs from proceeding with their RRTP plans at the start of 2019/2020 financial year as initially scheduled. It was agreed that LAs will need to be aware of the RRTP funding cycle timeline to implement their plans accordingly. 

Followed by a discussion regarding possibilities of ring-fencing homelessness funding and the challenges of LAs using the funding for other purposes.



There was also a discussion about how RRTP sits within LHS. The group concluded that RRTPs should be a central part of the LHS, and that RRTPs should be developed in line with LHS, not separately.

 Action 3: Marion Gibbs to follow up discussion on timing of the release of the “prevention of homelessness or management fee funding” for TA funding (SG homelessness Team)

Action 4: Consideration of funding timeline for RRTPs (SG Homelessness Team)                  


4. RRTP Best Practice Development

Review template overview

Marion provided a page by page overview of the RRTP Review template that has been shared on eRDM Connect with sub-group members prior to the meeting. 

The Homelessness team is looking into possibility of involving SG analysts to support the cost analysis of RRTPs. Marion referred to EQIA as a key part of RRTPs and possibly a tool to help LAs focus on prevention and identify people with protected characteristics in RRTP development e.g. in developing prevention pathways. Yvette highlighted potential unintended consequences  for certain groups caused by RRTP implementation (e.g. for people with learning disabilities). John wondered whether EQIAs will be sufficiently in depth to capture that.


Practice exchange & learning

Practice exchange and learning between LAs was further discussed and encouraged, with agreement that Housing Options Hubs would  be a good space to do that in future.

It was further discussed that when developing RRTPs, solutions should be based on local challenges, nature and culture of a certain area. RRTP should be backed by evidence in the local area. Some members expressed concern that this thinking might cause that LAs will be reluctant to change things. Agreed that the challenge will be to find a balance of identifying local barriers and looking at innovative solutions which will remove them.

RRTP Guidance

Discussion around possibility of SG publishing guidance for further RRTPs taking into account learning from all 32 RRTPs. Marion said this could possibly be a  recommendation coming from the RRTP sub-group and the development of the group’s thinking around the template would be useful.

RRTP Monitoring & Evaluation

The group suggested that there should be a national monitoring & evaluation framework to measure success of RRTP implementation. Some LAs have considered monitoring & evaluation of RRTP and identified housing and non-housing indicators to support this. The group discussed further areas of monitoring & evaluation and identified the following: prevention, high risk groups, sustaining tenants in settled accommodation, health statistics (A&E attendance, people not attending appointments). The importance of looking at the indicators/statistics together to have a better context was highlighted.


RRTPs & role of the Scottish Housing Regulator

The group discussed the Regulator’s role and engagement in regards to RRTP process. It was suggested that the aim is to have a positive and proactive engagement with the Regulator during the overall RRTP process to ensure the regulator is knowledgeable of RRTP approach. Marion confirmed that she was speaking to the Board on 19 February and is setting up a quarterly meeting with the SHR

Action 5: Members to email comments on RRTP Review template to Homelessness Team

Action 6: Tim and Julie to discuss a set of already existing housing and non-housing indicators/statistics to monitor and evaluate the success of RRTP implementation


5. Roundtable Updates

The chair asked everyone to update the group on progress in their areas regarding RRTP, what the feeling is from the HO hubs and how the RRTP process is going and their involvement in it:


Maggie Brunjes, GHN

Maggie referred to Housing First Scotland Pathfinder Programme paper, which she will share on eRDM Connect. Recently re-established Housing First Scotland network to support all 32 LA with development of HF. GHN HF Pathfinder overview, as of January, 46 people are in tenancies. To support the Pathfinder programme, there are Connect events held for the pathfinder cities to come together and share their learning and experiences. Maggie will continue to feedback developments to the RRTP sub-group with HF being a future standing item on the group’s agenda.


Ruth Robin, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Commissioned research with territorial health boards underway around RRTPs. Working with colleagues at iHub. Commissioned 2 min animation of health and homelessness data linkage to be shared with different audiences and economic analysis.


Julie Hunter, West Hub Rep

Very enthusiastic atmosphere in North Lanarkshire about RRTP approach. RRTP to be signed off by the committee this week. IJB signed off the RRTP and are committed to the new approach. A huge social return on investment benefits in terms of long-term savings highlighted - £35m. Partnership is enthused to start implementing the RRTP process. Received a formal statement from RSLs, who have been involved in the RRTP development from the beginning and are keen to start doing things differently.


Kate Morrison, COSLA

Do not have capacity to read all 32 RRTPs, attending events. Cosla will be hosting an event with Housing Support Enabling Unit for housing support colleagues in March. Picking up work on Section 5 Protocol with Zhan (SFHA). Kate advised COSLA represented on CIH group concerned with housing response to domestic violence against women.


Allan Jones, North and Islands Hub Rep

Aberdeenshire is part of the HF Pathfinder programme but also has been running its own rural housing approach for about 18 months already. Happy to share learning from that with the rest of the sub-group. Acknowledgement that consideration of high risk people is missing in their RRTP.


Amy Hutton, Cyrenians

Big appetite for the third sector to be involved in consultation with the public sector around RRTPs and the possibility of funding being levered in from their contacts.

Discussions held around non-housing outcomes of RRTP and keen to be involved in discussions around these.


Ian MacLean, East Hub Rep

West Lothian Council engaging with RSLs on agreed targets for lets to homeless households. Now in the midst of progressing RRTP implementation plan.


Martin Smith, Tayside Fife & Central Hub Rep

P&K council RRTP was approved in Jan and implementation plan is in place. Currently reviewing allocations policy.


Janeine Barrett, South West Hub Rep

RRTP to be considered by the Committee in mid-March. Local Hub considers RRTPs as part of their agenda and joint key pieces of work around RRTP are being developed focused on prevention across Ayrshire. Neil Hamlet is doing some work for them. Neil Hamlet’s work around Health & Homelessness has shown North Ayrshire as an outlier in terms of research. North Ayrshire have add some further research work around this in their RRTP submission. 


Tim Pogson, SHN

Tim advised on next SHN Forum on 15 Feb to look at the use of PRS and also looking at TA/Hostels and TA Standards. Marion to attend this forum meeting. Next forum (May) being held in Inverness will include Katrina Reid (NHS Health Scotland) looking at ACE’s in full. The North Hub is also looking at section 11 practices around information sharing and joint working. Invite Marion to forum in May to update on RRTP evaluation. 

Yvette Burgess, Coalition of Care & Support Providers Scotland

Delivered a joint event with COSLA and Simon Community in November 2018. Next event on 11th March in Edinburgh, invitations will be sent out shortly.

 Action 7: Maggie Brunjes to upload ‘Housing First Scotland Pathfinder Programme’ review of Advisory Board to eRDM Connect for Sub-Group sign-off.

Action 8: Yvette Burgess to upload briefing from the joint HSEU, COSLA and Simon Community Event


6. AOB

On the recent announcement of her retirement, the group acknowledged the massive contribution of Julie Hunter to the homelessness sector in Scotland.

No other business was discussed

Attendees and apologies

In attendance:

John Mills, ALACHO (Chair)

Martin Smith, Tayside Fife & Central Hub Rep

Iain MacLean, East Hub Rep

Julie Hunter, West Hub Rep

Andrea Elliott, South West Hub Rep

Allan Jones, North Hub Rep

Kate Morrison, COSLA

Tim Pogson, SHN

Maggie Brunjes, GHN

Janeine Barrett, South West Hub Rep

Ruth Robin, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Amy Hutton, Cyrenians

Yvette Burgess, Housing Support Enabling Unit

Marion Gibbs, Scottish Government

John Sharkey, Scottish Government                                                                      

Michaela Martincova, Scottish Government



Zhan McIntyre, SFHA

Paul Hughes, Finance Director, North Lanarkshire Council

Greg Telfer, North Lanarkshire Council

Katy McBride, East Hub Rep

Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians


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