
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan minutes: February 2020

Minutes of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan sub-group, which took place in February 2020.


1. Introductions, Minute and Actions

The chair noted apologies as recorded above and welcomed everybody to the meeting:

  • Welcomed Andrina Hunter, Service Manager for the Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service at Inverclyde HSCP who joins the sub-group as a new HSCP representative.


As agreed at meeting on 19 November, the minutes of that meeting were cleared electronically, within four weeks of the meeting, and published online.


Action Log

Open actions:

  • RRTP (20/8) - Action 8): John Mills to share Fife’s Impact Assessment report with the sub-group via eRDM Connect.  This will be shared once completed. John expects this to be cleared within the next 2-3 weeks. RRTP (21/5) –
  • Action 6: Homelessness team to identify practice within RRTP plans by the next Sub-group meeting, focusing on what works.  Scottish Government have commenced this piece of work. Kevin advised still ongoing and expects to be completed in the next month or two.


2. Scottish Government RRTP Update & Funding Support

RRTP Update

  • Following consultation with the sub-group, the Minister has agreed that future iterations of RRTPs should be submitted to Scottish Government by 30 June 2020.
  • Scottish Government is hosting a National RRTP Coordinators and Leads event on 26 February in Perth. Event aims to bring RRTP leads together to network, share ideas, experiences and learning from the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans. 30 local authorities have confirmed attendance and we are currently looking into how to involve the remaining two who are unable to attend (Orkney and Shetland).
  • Communication sent out to local authorities on 18 December providing update on future RRTP iterations submission dates, reporting and monitoring, funding and the National RRTP Co-ordinators and Leads event.
  • Year 2 funding (2020/21) - £8m of funding was agreed by COSLA Leaders on 29 November.
  • Funding allocations on formula based approach on the number of homelessness assessments (3 year average).
  • Written confirmation of funding allocations sent to local authority Heads of Housing and Heads of Finance on 2 December 2019.
  • Year 3 funding (2021/2022) – SG will continue to work with COSLA to develop proposals for the remaining £8m RRTP funding for Year 3. 


3. Homelessness Team updated meeting on progress around Health and Homelessness work, including:

Health and Homelessness Data linkage

Following Peter Knight’s presentation at the last sub-group meeting in November, a meeting is arranged for 3 March between Scottish Government, Health Improvement Scotland, ISD Scotland, Scotland’s Housing Network and the Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland to discuss linkage between Health and Homelessness data.


Angie Wood, Interim Chief Officer of Aberdeenshire HSCP, joins the HPSG as a new health representative. A paper was presented to the HPSG in December on current links and future opportunities relating to Health and Homelessness.

Discussed the potential role of the new public health body to be launched in April and the implications of the Local Governance Review.   A joint meeting for health representatives of HPSG and RRTP sub-group will be arranged to discuss their respective roles and connections in raising awareness and increasing engagement across the health sector around Housing First and Rapid Rehousing. 

Scottish Government

In light of the findings of the Hard Edges report, the Scottish Government has

established cross portfolio working across different departments, including

homelessness and health, to identify how best respond to the needs of those facing

severe and multiple disadvantage.


A range of partners are represented on the Housing Advisory Group, facilitated by HIS, and the Health and Homelessness Group, facilitated by NHS Health Scotland, which meet quarterly and have a crossover of membership between the two groups to ensure links and common priorities are identified. The groups last met on 20 January.


Crisis held one of a series of themed sessions about the proposal for a new homelessness prevention duty with health and social care stakeholders in January. The Faculty for Homelessness and Inclusion Health is holding an event in Glasgow on 25th February on Hidden Homelessness and prevention. 

4. Roundtable Updates

Housing Options Hubs

Each Housing Options Hub provided a short written summary in advance of the meeting and provided a short verbal update to the sub-group covering main points.

Maggie Brunjes (HNS)

HF Pathfinder currently has 216 people placed into own tenancies with tenancy sustainment rate percentage still above 90%. Together with HF more widely, outwith the pathfinders, HF places nationally are around 500. Point was made that in addition to 216 places provided through the pathfinder programme there are many more receiving other forms of support from the programme. HF National conference will take place on 7 May.

Ewan Aitken (Cyrenians)

Confirmed currently working with Scottish Government on Anti-Destitution (NRPF).

Advised that in terms of Integrated Joint Boards the view is that integration of 3rd Sector organisations is somewhat patchy. Spoke of work being done with North Ayrshire around people for whom HF isn’t the best fit mainly due to behavioural challenges. It was felt that housing was being left by partners to address this issue.


Still progressing evaluation of HF through Better Futures i.e. ‘what support is offered and accepted by clients’?

Zhan McIntyre, SFHA

Three options were presented to HPSG for consideration at the meeting in December with regards the RSL Prevention Fund and this will come to HPSG meeting on 10 March.  DA policies and guidance published last year, looking at updating for tenants. Working with Housing Options Scotland on veterans housing looking at what practices already exist and how best to share practice. Resilience and sustainability day held with Resilience documentary screened followed by awareness raising session.  Homeless to home conference being held on 30 April.

Kathy Cameron, COSLA

Among the issues being discussed with SG partners and others is consideration of funding model(s) for distribution of future RRTP funding, but aware that budgets are not yet settled across UK.

Ruth Robin, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

We have undertaken an evidence review of care coordination for those with Multiple, Complex Needs with the aim of publishing this to help local systems in their design of new pathways of care. We are also building a learning network across NHS Fife and NHS Lothian to help understand the differences in local services when trying to address acute service demand. 


Amongst items discussed at last meeting were Housing Options Toolkit, key to rapid rehousing through prevention and climate change. Prevention Review Group – needs to connect into RRTPs. 

Gary Fairley, Midlothian Council (Director of Finance representative)

Directors of Finance discussing RRTP funding and in particular how far the distribution model and amount of funding available will meet the demands of LAs RRTPs. Recognised much still to be done in terms of monitoring of supported accommodation, including discussions with Care Inspectorate and SHR.  

5. RRTP Monitoring

Group agreed to accept monitoring template and indicators developed by Scottish Government Homelessness Team with support from COSLA and Tim Pogson, SHN. Focus is on reporting on progress of activities to support delivery of RRTPs and capturing spend of RRTP funding allocations.

6. AOB

Marion highlighted her recent address at a homelessness event organised by CRISIS in Cardiff. They are looking with interest at the implementation of Rapid Rehousing in Scotland, from which they are keen to learn. Also possibly looking at abolition of priority need category. They are planning to keep in contact with Scotland to discuss further. UK Government also interested in the work in Scotland and are planning to visit to learn more.  

John announced to the Group that Kathy is retiring in March and on behalf of the Group expressed gratitude to Kathy for her valuable contribution.  

Next Meeting: 19 May 2020

Attendees and apologies

In attendance:

John Mills, ALACHO (Chair)

David Kemp, East Hub Rep

Jacqueline Fernie, West Hub Rep

Allan Jones, North and Islands Hub Rep

Kathy Cameron, COSLA

Zhan McIntyre, SFHA

Maggie Brunjes, HNS

Gary Fairley, Midlothian Council

Ruth Robin, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians

Andrea Elliot, South West Hub Rep

Janeine Barrett, North Ayrshire

Shona MacKenzie, Tayside, Fife & Central Hub Rep

Heather McCluskey, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland

Janine Kellett, Scottish Government

Marion Gibbs, Scottish Government

Kevin Wilkie, Scottish Government

John Sharkey, Scottish Government (Minutes)



Martin Smith, Tayside, Fife & Central Hub Rep

Michaela Martincova, Scottish Government

Tim Pogson, SHN

Yvette Burgess, Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland

Hub updates: East Hub
Hub Updates: Tayside Fife and Central
Hub Updates: West Hub
Hub Updates: North and Islands
Hub Updates: South West


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