
Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan minutes: November 2018

Minutes of the Rapid Rehousing Transition Plans Sub Group in November 2018.

1. Introductions and apologies 

The chair welcomed everybody to the meeting and noted apologies as recorded above.


2. Minutes & Actions 


Minutes updated to show as Healthcare Improvement Scotland rather than Health Improvement Scotland.

The minutes of the last meeting on 6 September 2018 were agreed. 


Action Log

Action 7 - Felt progress on approaching Chief Officer of HSCP was too slow.  Members understood there were processes to follow but high level conversations need to happen to move this forward with Integration Joint Boards (IJBs). There is concern that the RRTP development by local authorities will lack strategic and resourcing buy-in by IJB’s to RRTP’s.    

The group were advised a letter was sent out to health but this did not adequately profile the importance of IJB engagement with the development of RRTP’s.  Ministerial engagement with high level HSCP is required to make progress.

Action 1:  Ministerial engagement to be discussed at bilateral.



3. Group Operations

Terms of Reference

Minor changes were noted which will be made. Otherwise these were agreed.


Group Membership

The chair advised that Yvette Burgess from Coalition of Care and Support Providers in Scotland was now a member of the group. Work is still being progressed to find a Chief Officer from Health & Social Care Partnerships to become a member.  


RRTP Blueprint

Discussion on whether it would be helpful to create a RRTP blueprint on “what good would look like” once the group had received all 32 plans. Agreed that we would have a discussion at the next sub group meeting on 12 February 2019. 


Electronic Platform

ERDM connect was discussed which will be the platform to allow all members to access documents electronically. Changes and comments will be able to be made to documents. This is a pilot for now and is on a 6 month trial. This should be live within 2 weeks of this meeting. 

Action 2: SG Homelessness Team to add RRTP Blueprint to agenda for 12 February 2019.

Action 3:  SG Homelessness team to let members know when ERDM connect is live.


4. Roundtable Updates 

The chair asked everyone to update the group on progress in their areas:


Ruth Robin

A change in Minister has changed priorities and senior leadership is required to open doors. HSCP in Glasgow has been asked to find out what awareness there is about RRTP. A group is being created to develop a relationship matrix. Awareness is changing at a local level but not at a higher strategic level. 


Ewan Aitken

Noted that this has to be thought through by 3rd sector and what RRTP actually means. Ewan has met with some IJB Chief Executives but conversations need to keep happening to deliver changes which are required. Met with a department of an Edinburgh hospital where there is an issue with a high proportion of individuals not attending appointments.


Maggie Brunjes

A roundtable discussion has taken place to provide clarity on issues raised with the toolkit. This has now been amended and users are finding it helpful. The toolkit does not have to be used to produce RRTP. Local authorities can use their own datasets to suit local needs. 


Zhan McIntyre

Work is being carried out to brief RSLs and what will be expected from them. RRTPs have been discussed at the SFHA Housing Management Conference and Housing Management Forum. An event in December for Housing Associations will be for information on their role within RRTPs. Working with COSLA to update Section 5 protocol.


Zhan confirmed they had taken a phone poll at the SFHA conference, vast majority of respondents acknowledged homelessness as a priority, less awareness of RRTPs. Mainly housing managers who had an awareness but there was an appetite to know more. 


Tim Pogson

SHN events have taken place which have included Health & Social Care, 3rd sector and RSLs, some through housing options hubs and some not. A homeless practitioner’s event was taking place the following week which will focus on RRTPs. Temporary accommodation and care-leavers protocols are also on the agenda.  Section 11 (prevention of homeless notification) events are also starting at hub events with a session on Health & Social Care Development.


Nicola Dickie

Working with Zhan on Section 5 protocols. Not all local authorities use Section 5’s but most do and keen to update and highlight that homelessness is a priority and overarching partnerships will help to reset relationships. Conversations are ongoing with IJBs. COSLA are hosting an event the following week on temporary accommodation. 


Julie Hunter (West Hub)

Everyone within the Hub is working on their plans but at different stages. A meeting later that week will be on RRTPs only to allow sharing of each other’s plans to date.  All will be able to submit a plan by 31 December. In North Lanarkshire Council, good working relationships are already in place with Housing Associations so they are aware of RRTPs and agree they could do more.  


David Kemp (East Hub)

All within the Hub are working on their plans at different stages. It is again on the next Hub agenda. Scottish Borders Council relaunched their LHS last year and are using this to help produce their RRTP. Work has been carried out with SHN and feedback has been positive.  


Martin Smith (Tayside Fife & Central Hub)

Angus and Perth & Kinross have completed their draft RRTPs but continue to enhance the work already in place. Plans are being resourced differently with secondees and consultants. 


Noted that Angus Council have shared their plan with ALACHO, which could be shared through ERDM connect. 


Andrea Elliot (South West Hub)

RRTP is high on the agenda. A meeting has taken place with Ayrshire & Arran Health Board. A stakeholder event on health with SHN was poorly attended. A further meeting is arranged for next week with Maggie Brunjes and Neil Hamlet speaking at this.  

Further discussion with group took place focussing on the positives, primarily that progress is being made, but to ensure that plans are financially robust. There was confidence this was the case but if funding isn’t enough, there will be items in the plan which can’t be progressed. It also noted that it is unlikely that HSCP’s won’t be fully committed by 31 December and it was uncertain what they are will have to contribute.  

There have been tensions around Housing First and why only five cities were being given funding as pathfinders. It was confirmed that only 5 cities came forward for the pilot.  

Concerns were raised that in the future, funding could be decreased or withdrawn as has happened with previous pilots.  

Action 4: Angus Council RRTP to be shared on ERDM connect.

Action 5:  Roundtable discussion to continue to be added to the agenda at future meetings.


5. Stakeholder Engagement 

Engagement Plan

It was agreed that members could update the action plan once this was uploaded onto ERDM connect.



Points were noted where the FAQ required to be updated to include explanation of SHIPs, LHS and also include HSCP. Suggested that infographics would be beneficial for communication purposes to show all partners and stakeholders who are involved in RRTP.


Code of Guidance

Update was provided regarding the revision to the Code of Guidance. This is being worked on internally within Scottish Government. This will include new provisions to cover HARSAG recommendations and RRTP. 


Housing Options Toolkit

Julie advised that the Local Authority Housing Options Consortium were close to appointing a supplier. The modules should start to be provided from April next year, which will fit in well with the development and implementation of RRTPs. 



John advised that there were 16 replies to the  2nd ALACHO survey. The general feeling is progress is being made but the timeline is still a concern. There are also issues around engagement with ward elected members, including community group and tenants. It was agreed that TPAS and TIS should be involved with this.  

The group were reminded that EQIAs need to be included with final plans for 31 March 2019. There needs to be clarification on the national EQIA from Scottish Government.  

The group spoke about how to get the message out that poverty is the biggest driver of homelessness and child poverty is the biggest indicator of potential homelessness in later life. It was noted a message should go out before Christmas. The group were advised there is now a Communications person within Scottish Government Homelessness team with work being carried out but it was unlikely a public perception campaign would be ready for Christmas. View of the group is that there is a need to change the narrative and stop firefighting. A communication was requested to be sent after HPSG on 6 December. It was also noted that it would be beneficial to work with 3rd sector to co-ordinate an approach.  

Action 6:  Homelessness Team to liaise with Healthcare Improvement Scotland regarding their infographics and if this can be developed as a stakeholder map for RRTPs.

Action7:   Members to update engagement plan when ERDM connect is available.

Action 8:  Scottish Government to update FAQs and sent to all local authorities and include the main points from this meeting

Action 9: Communication to be sent to the group after HPSG regarding public perception campaign over Christmas.


6. RRTP Evaluation

The evaluation has still to be developed by the Homelessness Team initially, this would need to be cleared by COSLA and the Scottish Government. It was possible that the group will have a role in reviewing RRTPs and looking for where there are learning opportunities which can be shared.


7. RRTP Funding

An update was provided, confirming that RRTP funding has now been agreed with leaders. The breakdown of each local authority will not be shared for now but there will be a baseline of £30,000.


8. AOB

No other business was discussed.

Attendees and apologies

In attendance:

John Mills, ALACHO (Chair)

Nicola Dickie, COSLA

Katy McBride, East Hub Rep

Martin Smith, Tayside Fife & Central Hub Rep

Julie Martin, West Hub Rep

Andrea Elliott, South West Hub

Tim Pogson, SHN

Maggie Brunjes, GHN

Zhan McIntyre, SFHA

Ewan Aitken, Cyrenians

Ruth Robin, NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Marion Gibbs, Scottish Government

Lynsey McKean, Scottish Government

Kevin Wilkie, Scottish Government

Lindsey McKenna, Scottish Government



Paul Hughes, Director of Finance Rep

Yvette Burgess, Coalition of Care & Support Services

Hilary Parkey, North Hub Rep


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