
Realising Potential our own and others

Report from the National Allied Health Professional Mental Health LeadsGroup on Implementation of the Action Plan 2010-2011

Annex 1 National AHP Mental Health Clinical Leads' Group

Chair Professor Maggie Nicol
Scottish Government Elaine Hunter
NHS Ayrshire & Arran Aileen Fyfe
NHS Borders Anne Suttle
NHS Dumfries & Galloway Morag Geddes
NHS Education for Scotland Audrey Taylor
NHS Fife Norma Clark
NHS Forth Valley Nancy McKechnie
NHS Grampian Jane Fletcher
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Samantha Flower*
NHS Highland Sarah Muir
NHS Lanarkshire Jacqui Terrance
NHS Lothian Alison Meiklejohn*
NHS Orkney & NHS Shetland obligate network Susan Carr
The State Hospital Gill Urquhart
NHS Tayside Shelagh Creegan
NHS Western Isles Sonja Smit
Dementia consultant Christine Steel/Stephen Lithgow
Dementia consultant Sandra Shafii
Dementia consultant Jenny Reid
Forensic consultant Jean McQueen
Vocational rehabilitation lead Lisa Greer

*Interim lead


Email: Elaine Hunter

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