
Realising Scotland's full potential in a digital world: a digital strategy for Scotland

Scotland's refreshed digital strategy sets out our vision for Scotland as a vibrant, inclusive, open and outward looking digital nation.

Chapter 7

"I want to live in a cyber-resilient Scotland, because this is a Scotland that is safe, secure and prosperous."

John Swinney, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

  • 92% of adults who use the internet take some form of online security measures.
  • 66% of internet users avoid opening emails or attachments from unknown people.
  • 51% of internet users set complex passwords.
  • 76% of internet users were confident controlling privacy settings online.

Digital Scotland:

  • Aspires to be recognised as a world leader in cyber resilience

Our ambition is to make Scotland a world leader in cyber resilience, with a global reputation for being a secure place to work, learn and do business. [16] Getting the security right is a fundamental enabling factor in our digital future. As we carry out more transactions and share more information online the greater the risk of our information, operations and finances being stolen, exploited or disrupted. These risks will only increase as we build and benefit from the Internet of Things innovation. Our global reputation for cyber resilience has the potential to quickly become a determinant of future economic success.

"Scottish Companies are at the heart of the digital revolution. Businesses that are cyber resilient stand to gain competitive advantage."

Hugh Aitken CBE, Chief Executive, CBI Scotland and Chair of National Cyber Resilience Leader's Board

We will deliver a step-change in the cyber resilience of our citizens, businesses, public services and government by ensuring:

  • People can access straightforward, reliable and easily accessible advice on cyber security
  • Organisations share information about cyber threats across sectors and are well prepared to manage them
  • Our digital public services are safe and secure to use
  • We have a global reputation for being a secure place to live and learn, and to set up and invest in business
  • Growth in our innovative cyber security, goods and services industry that can help meet global demand
  • Effective and coordinated cyber security research and innovation across Academia and Industry
  • Cyber resilience skills are embedded within our wider digital skills ambitions
  • Universities produce, and Scotland then retains, outstanding graduates in digital design, ethical-hacking and forensics
  • We identify and work with partners to prioritise those economic sectors where Scotland is most likely to be able to build its international reputation for excellence

Actions to ensure a safe and resilient digital country:

  • Assess and build upon current awareness raising communication activities
  • Establish a central gateway for trusted advice and guidance on cyber security and resilience for people and businesses in Scotland in partnership with the National Cyber Security Centre
  • Increase the digital and cyber resilience maturity of Scottish businesses of all sizes with Scottish Enterprise and business membership organisations playing a key role
  • Increase the number of apprenticeships in cyber resilience and promote cyber skills throughout the learning journey, including school and the workplace
  • Enhance collaborative research and disseminate effective practice by working with Scottish Universities
  • Ensure that our Critical National Infrastructure is secure and resilient against cyber attack by working with the National Cyber Security Centre
  • Ensure that security issues are built into the design of Digital Public Services and assessed, at each stage, as part of the Digital First Standard


Email: Alan Rodden

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