Realising Scotland's full potential in a digital world: a digital strategy for Scotland

Scotland's refreshed digital strategy sets out our vision for Scotland as a vibrant, inclusive, open and outward looking digital nation.

Annex A

Measuring our progress

The measurement framework sets out how we will monitor progress towards achieving our vision of realising Scotland's full potential in a digital world. The framework establishes what success would look like and identifies accompanying high-level indicators to enable us to track performance.

PURPOSE: To create a more successful country, with opportunities for all of Scotland to flourish, through increasing sustainable economic growth.

Purpose Targets

Economic growth








To realise Scotland's full potential in a digital world.


Scotland has:

High quality connectivity across the whole of the country.

A digitally-skilled and inclusive workforce.

Internationally competitive, digitally mature businesses across all sectors of the economy.

Efficient, user-centric digital public services.

A digital society which enables everyone to share in the social, economic and democratic opportunities of digital.

Cyber resilience with a global reputation for being a secure place to work, learn and do business.

Non-personal data that is shared in a trustworthy manner to contribute to innovation and efficiency.

Measure(s) of success

1. Availability of next generation broadband.

1. Reduction in the digital skills gap.

2. An inclusive population skills profile.

1. Digital maturity of Scottish businesses.

2. Digital performance of Scottish businesses.

1. User satisfaction with digital public services.

2. Cost savings achieved through digital public services.

1. Widening digital participation.

1. Individuals and organisations are becoming increasingly resilient when using digital technologies.

1. Citizens trust the public sector uses their personal information in a trustworthy manner.

2. Good quality, well-managed data is available for sharing.


1. Proportion of premises where next generation broadband access is available.

1. Number of people employed in the digital sector and digital occupations.

2. Number and gender diversity of those pursuing digital-related qualifications.

Diversity of those employed within the digital sector.

1. Digital Maturity Index.

2. Digital sector gross value added ( GVA).

Value of online trade conducted by Scottish businesses.*

1. Percentage of adults satisfied with overall quality of online public services.

2. Savings achieved from collaborative procurement of
ICT services.

1. Percentage of adults using the internet by demographic group.

Confidence in pursuing online activities.

1. Percentage of adults demonstrating cyber-resilient behaviours.

Number of organisations in Scotland with cyber essentials or other cyber security certification.

1. Percentage of people who trust public services to handle their data appropriately.

2. Number of datasets which are available for research in the public interest and average time taken to access these datasets.

* We will investigate the possibility of measuring the value of online trade for Scottish businesses in early 2017.


Email: Alan Rodden

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