
Realistic Medicine - Feedback Report

Feedback from the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland's Annual Report 2014/15

Executive Summary

The Chief Medical Officer for Scotland's Annual Report 2014/15 - Realistic Medicine was launched on 20 th January 2016. One of the aims of the report was to discuss the challenges facing the profession and to begin a conversation with clinicians about how to change practice

Feedback was received by letters, emails, an online survey, through social media and from a series of engagement events across the country. A thematic analysis of this feedback has been carried out and the results are reported here. On social media the recognised healthcare hash tag #realisticmedicine reached 6.7 million twitter feeds and over 3491 tweets from 1235 participants from January to October 2016. This readed 11 countries ( UK, Australia and New Zealand, Canada, Finland, Italy Japan, Norway (including Svalbard in Artic Circle) and Sweden, South Africa and the USA). A full feedback report across all the different channels is available at ANNEX A. Engagement and implementation activities are summarized in ANNEX B and C respectively.


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