
Realistic Medicine - Feedback Report

Feedback from the Chief Medical Officer for Scotland's Annual Report 2014/15

Overall conclusions from feedback

The key conclusions from collated feedback are:

1. Agreement with the principles of Realistic Medicine and that if fully implemented it could enable improvements in care.

2. Identification of the key barriers to implementation including: not enough time to stop and plan; data access and availability; workload; relationships with colleagues; and concerns about litigation and complaints.

3. Patient and public engagement is needed.

4. A focus on education and skills training is needed.

5. Shared decision making' and 'reducing harm and waste' are the main priorities. These gained most support in written feedback while reducing 'over-treatment' especially at the end of life was emphasised.

6. Shared learning and collaboration across structural boundaries is needed.

7. Integrated IT systems and clinically driven data are needed.

8. Policy and 'top down' support including a move away from "target driven" medicine is needed.

9. The whole multi-disciplinary team is needed for Realistic Medicine.

10. Realistic Medicine's key aims are interrelated and interdependent


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