
Reasons for delays with planning applications for housing

Research identifying the main reasons for delay with applications for housing which have taken over one year to conclude.

4 Conclusions

4.1 The research identified primary and secondary reasons for delay when deciding planning applications for housing. The primary reason is defined as that which is largely responsible for the application being determined past the statutory two month (Local Development) or four month (Major Development) timescale. The secondary reason is defined as a reason(s) which further protracts the determination process past the statutory determination timescale.

4.2 There were nine broad categories of reasons for delay used during the research project.

Table 1 – Reason for Delay Percentages

  Reason for Delay Primary Secondary Total %
1. Legal Agreement (drafting / signing) 9 [9%] 44 [44%] 53 [53%]
Of those subject to Legal Agreement 17% 83% 100%
2. Committee Determination Required (outwith timescale) 3[3%] 4[4%] 7 [7%]
Of those subject to Committee Determination 9% 12% 21%
3. Delayed Response by Applicant to additional information request 42 [42%] 14 [14%] 56 [55%]
4. Delayed Action / Response by Planning officer 14 [14%] 11 [11%] 25 [25%]
5. Delayed Action / Response by Other Council Officer 14 [14%] 9 [9%] 23 [23%]
6. Delayed Response by Statutory Consultees 1 [1%] 0 [0%] 1 [1%]
7. Applicant / agent asked for delay in decision making 1 [1%] 1 [1%] 2 [2%]
8. Planning authority availability / staffing 7 [7%] 4 [4%] 11 [11%]
9. Other reason for delay 9 [9%] 5 [5%] 14 [14%]

4.3 The research identified the most common primary reason for delay in an application meeting its determination timescale as the " delayed response by an applicant to a request for information". The following list sets out all categories in descending order of magnitude:

1. Delayed Response by Applicant to additional information request (42%)
2. Delayed Action / Response by Other Council Officer (14%)
3. Delayed Action / Response by Planning officer (14%)
4. Legal Agreement (drafting / signing) (9%)
5. Other reason for delay (9%)
6. Planning authority availability / staffing (7%)
7. Committee Determination Required (outwith timescale) (3%)
8. Delayed Response by Statutory Consultees (1%)
9. Applicant / agent asked for delay in decision making (1%)

4.4 The research identified the most common secondary reason for delay in an application meeting its determination timescale as the " requirement for a legal agreement". The following list sets out all categories in descending order of magnitude:

1. Legal Agreement (drafting / signing) (44%)
2. Delayed Response by Applicant to additional information request (14%)
3. Delayed Action / Response by Planning officer (11%)
4. Delayed Action / Response by Other Council Officer (9%)
5. Other reason for delay (5%)
6. Committee Determination Required (outwith timescale) (4%)
7. Planning authority availability / staffing (4%)
8. Applicant / agent asked for delay in decision making (1%)
9. Delayed Response by Statutory Consultees (0%)

4.5 In conclusion the research has identified and investigated the reasons for delays that arise during the determination process when deciding planning applications for housing. The list below sets these out in descending order of magnitude:

1. Delayed Response by Applicant to additional information request (55%)
2. Legal Agreement (drafting / signing) (53%).
3. Delayed Action / Response by Planning officer (25%)
4. Delayed Action / Response by Other Council Officer (23%)
5. Other reason for delay (14%)
6. Delays - planning authority availability / staffing (11%)
7. Committee Determination Required (outwith timescale) (7%)
8. Applicant / agent asked for delay in decision making (2%)
9. Delayed Response by Statutory Consultees (1%)


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