
Recall of welfare guardianship: forms for professionals

Forms AWI 14 to AWI 19 for use by local authorities and the Mental Welfare Commission.

The attached forms should be used by local authorities and the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, in relation to the recall of welfare powers.

The table below outlines when each form should be used.

Form For use by Purpose
AWI 14 Mental Welfare Commission Notifying other interested parties that an an application has been received for recall of welfare powers or that it intends to recall powers
AWI 15 Local authorities Notifying other interested parties that an application has been received for recall of welfare powers or that it intends to recall powers
AWI 16 Mental Welfare Commission Notifying other interested parties of intention to refuse an application for recall of powers of a guardian relating to personal welfare
AWI 17 Local authorities Notifying other interested parties of intention to refuse an application for recall of powers of a guardian relating to personal welfare
AWI 18 Mental Welfare Commission To confirm its decision on an application to recall powers relating to personal welare
AWI 19 Local authorities To confirm its decision on an application to recall powers relating to personal welfare


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