
Recipe for Success: Scotland's national food and drink policy, becoming a Good Food Nation

Strategy document setting out our proposed national food and drink policy up until 2025.

10.Your Role

Scotland must be a Land of Food and Drink in the quality not only of what we produce, but also of what we buy, serve and eat. We need to increase our focus on dietary, environmental, and community priorities. It is about bringing activity together, prioritising, and giving a much higher profile to these aspects of food. Above all, it is about having strong ambitions to drive change in our food culture.

We all have a part to play.

Your views

We are keen to hear your views. Below are the questions asked throughout this document. Please email your views to by Friday 17 October 2014. Tell us your food stories, inspiring pledges, and how you think Scotland can become a Good Food Nation. Please tell us if you want your views to be confidential. There will also be opportunities over the months ahead to feed in views in discussions locally and nationally. Comments will go to the Food Commission so that their work from the very outset is informed by the widest possible range of views, gleaned here, under the original Recipe for Success and elsewhere.

Your Personal Response

The only way that Scotland can become a Good Food Nation is with everyone’s active input. We invite you to think about how you, your family or organisation will play your part and then answer this final question:

13. What steps do you plan to take to help Scotland on the journey toward becoming a Good Food Nation – in the next month and in the next 12 months?


1.How important do you think it is that we aim to be a Good Food Nation?

2.How would we know when we had got there? What would success look like?

3.Do you agree with the proposed vision? How would you improve it?

4.How would your life be better? What does being a Good Food Nation mean in your locality?

5.Are there any other essential steps we need to take before setting out on this journey?

6.How do you think a Food Commission could best help?

7.In what areas should indicators be set to check we are on track towards our goals?

8.What are your views on the different approaches that could be taken to help us become a Good Food Nation?

9.Do you agree with the proposed initial focus on:

  • Food in the public sector
  • A children’s food policy
  • Local food
  • Good food choices and
  • Continued economic growth?

10.Which other areas would you prioritise?

11.What other steps toward achieving a Good Food Nation would you recommend?

12.What else should be considered?

13. What steps do you plan to take to help Scotland on the journey toward becoming a Good Food Nation – in the next month and in the next 12 months?



Telephone: 0300 244 9802

Scottish Government
Food, Drink and Rural Communities
B1 Spur
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

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