
Recipe for Success: Scotland's national food and drink policy, becoming a Good Food Nation

Strategy document setting out our proposed national food and drink policy up until 2025.

7. Towards a Good Food Nation: our vision

Scotland can and will become a Good Food Nation. We want food and drink to be one of the key reasons why the people of Scotland take pride in their country.

It needs to become second nature that Scots eat and serve good food – food which has sound health and environmental credentials as well as being delicious to eat.

This is a very big undertaking and will take time. It is achievable if pursued systematically and with determination.

Whilst there is, as yet no agreed definition of a Good Food Nation, there is consensus on the key concept areas; health and wellbeing, environmental sustainability, local economic prosperity, resilient communities, and fairness in the food chain. We, for our part, intend to set a clear, demanding but realistic vision, along the lines of the following:

By 2025, people from every walk of life, will take pride and pleasure in the food served day by day in Scotland. An increase in Scottish food exports will attract overseas visitors and the quality of the food we serve will become one of the key reasons to travel to Scotland. Everyone will know what constitutes good food and why. All players in Scottish life – from schools to hospitals, retailers, restaurants and food manufacturers – will be committed to serving such food. Its ready availability will have contributed to improvements in children’s wellbeing and hence outcomes. Scottish suppliers will have developed their offering so that local increasingly equals fresh, healthy and environmentally sound. The most intractable dietary-related diseases will have begun to decline as will the environmental impact locally and world-wide, of our food consumption. The food industry will be a thriving well-known feature of local and national economies, with each part of Scotland rightly proud of its culinary heritage, past and present.


Please email your views to by Friday 17 October 2014.

1.How important do you think it is that we aim to be a Good Food Nation?

2.How would we know when we had got there? What would success look like?

3.Do you agree with the proposed vision? How would you improve it?

4.How would your life be better? What does being a good food nation mean in your locality?



Telephone: 0300 244 9802

Scottish Government
Food, Drink and Rural Communities
B1 Spur
Saughton House
Broomhouse Drive
EH11 3XD

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