Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2009-10 Offender Cohort

Analysis of one year reconviction rates for the cohort of offenders released from a custodial sentence or receiving a non-custodial disposal in 2009-10

Table 19 Previous convictions: 2010-11 cohort

Number and
type of previous convictions
to 2010-11
Total Gender Age3 (Last) sentence in 2010-11
Male Female under 21 21 to 25 26 to 30 over 30 Custody Community sentence Monetary Other
Number of persons
with charge proved (=100%)
43,974 36,327 7,647 8,153 8,868 7,377 19,576 7,229 8,925 18,322 9,498
All previous convictions1
None 12,955 76 24 32 19 13 36 6 17 45 31
1 or 2 9,170 82 18 23 23 16 39 8 22 49 21
3 to 10 12,349 86 14 13 23 18 46 17 24 42 17
Over 10 9,500 89 11 3 15 22 60 37 18 29 16
Previous custodial sentences
None 31,192 79 21 23 21 15 41 7 21 47 25
1 or 2 4,909 90 10 12 20 19 49 28 20 37 15
3 to 10 5,099 92 8 9 20 20 50 42 17 28 14
Over 10 2,774 94 6 1 11 24 64 51 14 20 15
Previous community sentences
None 25,606 80 20 23 20 14 42 8 19 48 25
1 or 2 10,158 87 13 16 21 18 45 22 23 38 17
3 to 10 7,588 87 13 9 20 22 50 35 21 28 17
Over 10 622 82 18 2 15 32 51 38 20 26 16
Previous solemn convictions2
None 35,046 80 20 21 21 16 42 11 21 45 23
1 or 2 7,048 91 9 9 20 21 50 33 19 33 15
3 to 10 1,863 97 3 3 12 20 65 53 13 21 13
Over 10 17 100 - - - 18 82 71 6 6 18
Crimes of violence
None 23,491 78 22 25 20 15 40 9 19 45 26
1 or 2 11,595 86 14 14 22 18 46 18 23 42 18
3 to 10 8,030 89 11 8 20 21 52 33 20 33 15
Over 10 858 87 13 2 12 17 69 46 15 23 16
Crimes of dishonesty
None 26,847 81 19 26 22 15 37 10 21 45 24
1 or 2 7,116 86 14 12 21 18 48 19 22 42 17
3 to 10 5,812 84 16 6 17 19 58 28 19 35 17
Over 10 4,199 85 15 1 9 25 65 39 17 27 18
Drug offences
None 32,241 81 19 24 22 15 40 13 21 43 24
1 or 2 7,810 86 14 5 20 23 52 25 20 39 16
3 to 10 3,773 90 10 1 9 22 68 31 17 36 16
Over 10 150 93 7 1 3 13 83 38 11 37 13

1. Convictions for crimes or common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearms offences or social security offences. Excludes convictions outwith Scotland.
2. Convictions in the High Court or in a sheriff and jury court.
3. Age as at date of last conviction in 2010-11.


Email: Howard Hooper

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