
Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2011-12 Offender Cohort

This publication provides analyses of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2011-12.

Table 15 Individuals convicted in 2012-13, by gender, age, and number and type of previous convictions in 10 years from 2003-04 to 2012-13

(See notes 1 and 2)

Number and
type of previous convictions
from 2003-04 to 2012-133
Total Gender Age4 (Last) sentence in 2012-13
Male Female under 21 21 to 30 over 30 Custody Community sentence
Monetary Other6
Number of persons
with charge proved
42,508 35,248 7,260 5,958 16,058 20,492 7,219 10,799 15,044 9,446
All previous convictions7
None 13,870 10768 3102 2938 4178 6754 902 3082 5752 4134
1 or 2 10,094 8435 1659 1493 3688 4913 944 2793 4322 2035
3 to 10 12,399 10641 1758 1325 5214 5860 2632 3681 3840 2246
Over 10 6,145 5404 741 202 2978 2965 2741 1243 1130 1031
Previous custodial sentences
None 30,903 24661 6242 5116 11204 14583 2236 8336 12635 7696
1 or 2 4,917 4473 444 472 1936 2509 1602 1222 1291 802
3 to 10 5,035 4575 460 353 2163 2519 2352 1013 948 722
Over 10 1,653 1539 114 17 755 881 1029 228 170 226
Previous community sentences
None 25,622 20697 4925 4050 8589 12983 2556 5920 10722 6424
1 or 2 10,612 9180 1432 1376 4258 4978 2462 3187 3049 1914
3 to 10 6,001 5172 829 525 3043 2433 2081 1630 1238 1052
Over 10 273 199 74 7 168 98 120 62 35 56
Previous solemn convictions8
None 35,401 28668 6733 5456 12793 17152 4227 9262 13501 8411
1 or 2 6,152 5667 485 475 2741 2936 2406 1386 1431 929
3 to 10 953 911 42 27 524 402 585 150 112 106
Over 10 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 1 0 0
Crimes of violence
None 37,989 31175 6814 5538 13612 18839 5418 9734 14039 8798
1 or 2 4,332 3905 427 412 2307 1613 1700 1030 979 623
3 to 10 187 168 19 8 139 40 101 35 26 25
Over 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Crimes of dishonesty
None 29,803 24573 5230 4941 10601 14261 3317 7719 11716 7051
1 or 2 6,466 5471 995 780 2892 2794 1432 1787 2047 1200
3 to 10 4,425 3678 747 227 1894 2304 1579 996 1004 846
Over 10 1,814 1526 288 10 671 1133 891 297 277 349
Drug offences
None 33,580 27495 6085 5694 12453 15433 4757 8660 12333 7830
1 or 2 7,236 6247 989 254 3001 3981 1915 1783 2252 1286
3 to 10 1,673 1488 185 10 599 1064 544 353 452 324
Over 10 19 18 1 0 5 14 3 3 7 6

1. This table is constructed from a different datasource to tables 1-12 in this bulletin. It is constructed from Criminal Proceedings data rather than the Scottish Offenders Index.
2. Changes have been made to how this table is reported in this year's bulletin. For improved clarity, and to allow comparisons between and down columns, as well as across rows, the absolute numbers of offenders are reported. Previously, the relative proportions of offenders across a single row in each column were reported as percentages.
3. From the Reconvictions Rates in Scotland 2010-11 Cohort Bulletin onwards, changes have been made to the way this table is reported. The number and type of previous convictions are now based upon a 10 year window.
4. Age as at date of last conviction in 2012-13.
5. Community Sentence refers to Restriction of Liberty Orders, Drug Treatment and Testing Orders, Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Community Payback Orders (CPOs). Community Payback Orders (CPOs) were introduced by the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 and came into effect from 1 February 2011. The CPO replaces provisions for Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders.
6. The 'Other' category includes Supervised Attendance Orders. It also includes: remit to children's hearing; community reparation order; caution; admonition; absolute discharge; insanity; guardianship; and hospital order.
7. Convictions for crimes or common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearms offences or social security offences. Excludes convictions outside of Scotland.
8. Convictions in the High Court or in a sheriff and jury court.


Email: Andrew Morgan

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