
Reconviction Rates in Scotland: 2012-13 Offender Cohort

This publication provides analyses of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2012-13.

Table 15: Individuals convicted in 2013-14, by gender, age, and number and type of previous convictions in 10 years from 2004-05 to 2013-14

(See notes 1 and 2)

Number and
type of previous convictions
from 2004-05 to 2013-14
Total Gender Age4 (Last) sentence in 2013-14
Male Female under 21 21 to 30 over 30 Custody Community sentence (CPO, CSO, PO, RLO, DTTO)5 Monetary Other6
Number of persons
with charge proved
43,095 35,724 7,371 5,274 15,751 22,070 6,961 11,803 14,952 9,379
All previous convictions7
None 14,727 11384 3343 2695 4413 7619 907 3400 6143 4277
1 or 2 10,327 8653 1674 1327 3723 5277 846 3145 4254 2082
3 to 10 11,982 10388 1594 1101 4868 6013 2520 3872 3555 2035
Over 10 6,059 5299 760 151 2747 3161 2688 1386 1000 985
Previous custodial sentences
None 31,521 25189 6332 4587 11092 15842 2141 8980 12714 7686
1 or 2 4,872 4413 459 381 1878 2613 1493 1379 1260 740
3 to 10 5,045 4598 447 296 2073 2676 2285 1183 828 749
Over 10 1,657 1524 133 10 708 939 1042 261 150 204
Previous community sentences
None 26,218 21109 5109 3623 8547 14048 2469 6434 10818 6497
1 or 2 10,594 9236 1358 1172 4117 5305 2285 3483 2997 1829
3 to 10 6,039 5204 835 472 2948 2619 2107 1822 1101 1009
Over 10 244 175 69 ** 139 98 100 64 36 44
Previous solemn convictions8
None 35,866 29055 6811 4825 12508 18533 3961 10041 13447 8417
1 or 2 6,226 5702 524 426 2715 3085 2397 1572 1397 860
3 to 10 1,002 966 36 23 528 451 602 190 108 102
Over 10 ** ** - - - ** - ** ** **
Previous convictions for crimes of violence
None 38,700 31769 6931 4928 13399 20373 5172 10712 14025 8791
1 or 2 4,196 3776 420 343 2210 1643 1662 1059 902 573
3 to 10 199 179 20 ** 142 54 127 32 25 15
Over 10 - - - - - - - - - -
Previous convictions for crimes of dishonesty
None 30,922 25428 5494 4454 10773 15695 3202 8475 12051 7194
1 or 2 6,214 5310 904 634 2730 2850 1459 1846 1810 1099
3 to 10 4,264 3554 710 183 1694 2387 1470 1132 868 794
Over 10 1,695 1432 263 ** 554 1138 830 350 223 292
Previous convictions for drug offences
None 34,442 28165 6277 5037 12456 16949 4624 9529 12358 7931
1 or 2 7,036 6136 900 226 2778 4032 1806 1912 2144 1174
3 to 10 1,601 1408 193 11 511 1079 527 361 444 269
Over 10 16 15 ** - ** 10 ** ** ** **

1. This table is constructed from a different datasource to tables 1-12 in this bulletin. It is constructed from Criminal Proceedings data rather than the Scottish Offenders Index.

2. Changes have been made to how this table is reported since the 2011-12 Offender Cohort bulletin. For improved clarity, and to allow comparisons between and down columns, as well as across rows, the absolute numbers of offenders are reported. Prior to the 2011-12 Offender Cohort bulletin, the relative proportions of offenders across a single row in each column were reported as percentages.

3. From the Reconvictions Rates in Scotland 2010-11 Cohort Bulletin onwards, changes have been made to the way this table is reported. The number and type of previous convictions are now based upon a 10 year window.

4. Age as at date of last conviction in 2012-13.

5. Community Sentence refers to Restriction of Liberty Orders, Drug Treatment and Testing Orders, Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Community Payback Orders (CPOs). Community Payback Orders (CPOs) were introduced by the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 and came into effect from 1 February 2011. The CPO replaces provisions for Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders.

6. The 'Other' category includes Supervised Attendance Orders. It also includes: remit to children's hearing; community reparation order; caution; admonition; absolute discharge; insanity; guardianship; and hospital order.

7. Convictions for crimes or common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearms offences or social security offences. Excludes convictions outside of Scotland.

8. Convictions in the high court or in a sheriff and jury court.


Email: Andrew Morgan

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