
Reconviction rates in Scotland: 2013-2014 offender cohort

Scottish Government publication providing analysis of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2013 to 2014.

Table 11: Reconviction rates and average number of reconvictions per offender, by CJA and Local Authority group: 2013-14 cohort

Community Justice Authority ( CJA) 1 Local Authority group 2 Number of offenders Reconviction rate Average number of reconvictions per offender
Scotland 3 42,193 28.3 0.51
Fife & Forth Valley All 5,077 29.6 0.52
Clackmannanshire 415 32.8 0.66
Falkirk 1,360 28.3 0.52
Fife 2,673 30.3 0.53
Stirling 629 27.7 0.45
Glasgow 3 All 8,352 30.1 0.58
Glasgow City 3,4 8,352 30.1 0.58
Lanarkshire 5 All 4,929 28.5 0.51
North and South Lanarkshire 5 4,929 28.5 0.51
Lothian & Borders All 6,452 27.3 0.53
East Lothian 483 28.2 0.44
Edinburgh and Midlothian 6 4,173 27.5 0.57
Scottish Borders 641 28.4 0.49
West Lothian 1,155 25.7 0.43
Northern All 5,506 25.1 0.44
Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire 7 3,209 26.6 0.49
Na h-Eileanan Siar 102 18.6 0.25
Highland 1,427 24.0 0.39
Moray 527 23.3 0.38
Orkney Islands 116 13.8 0.18
Shetland Islands 125 20.0 0.24
North Strathclyde 8 All 3,799 28.0 0.45
Argyll & Bute 535 25.6 0.36
East and West Dunbartonshire 8,9 1,146 29.9 0.52
East Renfrewshire and Renfrewshire 10 1,414 26.7 0.43
Inverclyde 704 29.0 0.48
South West Scotland All 4,809 28.3 0.48
Dumfries & Galloway 1,319 27.0 0.44
East, North, and South Ayrshire 11 3,490 28.7 0.49
Tayside All 3,268 28.9 0.52
Angus 770 26.8 0.51
Dundee City 1,586 32.8 0.59
Perth & Kinross 912 24.1 0.41
Unknown All 1 0.0 0.00
Unknown 1 0.0 0.00

1. Approximate areas are based on where the courts of the offenders' index convictions are located, including high Courts. Some sheriff court boundaries cover more than one CJA, see relevant footnotes below.

2. Approximate areas are based on where the courts of the offenders' index convictions are located, including high courts. Some sheriff court boundaries include more than one Local Authority area, so they are grouped together so that there are 25 groups of Local Authorities rather than all 32 being displayed separately. See relevant footnotes below.

3. Glasgow Sheriff Court also serves parts of East Dunbartonshire (North Strathclyde CJA), and North Lanarkshire and South Lanarkshire (Lanarkshire CJA). However, since this analysis is based on approximation of court areas, numbers for Glasgow Sheriff Court are only included within the Glasgow CJA and Glasgow Local Authority area.

4. Includes the Stipendiary Magistrates court.

5. North and South Lanarkshire (Airdrie, Hamilton and Lanark Sheriff Courts). Some parts of North and South Lanarkshire (Lanarkshire CJA) are also covered by Glasgow Sheriff Court, but the figures for Glasgow Sheriff Court are only included within the Glasgow Local Authority and Glasgow CJA area.

6. City of Edinburgh and Midlothian (Edinburgh Sheriff Court).

7. Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire (Aberdeen, Banff, Stonehaven and Peterhead Sheriff Courts).

8. Parts of East Dunbartonshire (North Strathclyde CJA) are also served by Glasgow Sheriff Court, but the figures for Glasgow Sheriff Court are only included within the Glasgow Local Authority and Glasgow CJA area.

9. East and West Dunbartonshire (Dumbarton Sheriff Court).

10. Renfrewshire and East Renfrewshire (Paisley Sheriff Court).

11. East, North, and South Ayrshire (Kilmarnock and Ayr Sheriff Courts).


Email: Mark Bell

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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