
Reconviction rates in Scotland: 2013-2014 offender cohort

Scottish Government publication providing analysis of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2013 to 2014.

Table 15: Individuals convicted in 2014-15, by gender, age and number and type of previous convictions in 10 years from 2005-16 to 2014-15

(see notes 1 and 2)

Number and
type of previous convictions
from 2005-06 to 2014-15
Total Gender Age 4 (Last) sentence in 2014-15
Male Female under 21 21 to 30 over 30 Custody Community sentence ( CPO, CSO, PO, RLO, DTTO) 5 Monetary Other 6
Number of persons
with charge proved
44,744 37,035 7,708 5,068 15,908 23,767 6,640 11,710 15,655 10,739
All previous convictions 7
None 16,050 12,532 3,517 2,713 4,797 8,539 796 3,558 6,625 5,071
1 or 2 10,597 8,815 1,782 1,275 3,686 5,636 785 3,089 4,460 2,263
3 to 10 12,202 10,508 1,694 961 4,841 6,400 2,518 3,795 3,608 2,281
Over 10 5,895 5,180 715 119 2,584 3,192 2,541 1,268 962 1,124
Previous custodial sentences
None 33,047 26,400 6,646 4,440 11,433 17,173 1,856 9,043 13,330 8,818
1 or 2 4,974 4,485 489 368 1,751 2,855 1,496 1,293 1,324 861
3 to 10 5,104 4,661 443 255 2,096 2,753 2,272 1,140 861 831
Over 10 1,619 1,489 130 5 628 986 1,016 234 140 229
Previous community sentences
None 27,387 22,083 5,303 3,533 8,688 15,165 2,223 6,431 11,276 7,457
1 or 2 11,044 9,521 1,523 1,128 4,171 5,745 2,328 3,499 3,142 2,075
3 to 10 6,091 5,261 830 406 2,911 2,774 1,985 1,725 1,211 1,170
Over 10 222 170 52 1 138 83 104 55 26 37
Previous solemn convictions 8
None 37,304 30,181 7,122 4,644 12,728 19,931 3,692 10,026 14,048 9,538
1 or 2 6,396 5,849 547 402 2,644 3,350 2,318 1,508 1,497 1,073
3 to 10 1,043 1,004 39 22 535 486 629 176 110 128
Over 10 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
Previous convictions for crimes of violence
None 40,457 33,172 7,284 4,768 13,654 22,034 4,941 10,702 14,765 10,049
1 or 2 4,127 3,716 411 292 2,132 1,703 1,601 983 869 674
3 to 10 160 147 13 8 122 30 98 25 21 16
Over 10 - - - - - - - - - -
Previous convictions for crimes of dishonesty
None 32,786 26,972 5,813 4,305 11,248 17,232 3,056 8,707 12,672 8,351
1 or 2 6,203 5,251 952 601 2,628 2,974 1,357 1,726 1,915 1,205
3 to 10 4,145 3,457 688 160 1,575 2,410 1,452 970 870 853
Over 10 1,610 1,355 255 2 457 1,151 775 307 198 330
Previous convictions for drug offences
None 36,164 29,523 6,640 4,846 12,867 18,450 4,390 9,551 13,094 9,129
1 or 2 6,954 6,063 891 210 2,574 4,170 1,708 1,822 2,132 1,292
3 to 10 1,602 1,426 176 12 464 1,126 537 334 420 311
Over 10 24 23 1 0 3 21 5 3 9 7

1. This table is compiled on a different basis to tables 1-12; using individuals convicted in 2014-15 (and counting their previous convictions over 10 years) rather than those convicted in 2013-14 (and counting how many are reconvicted in the 2014-15 follow up period).

2. Changes have been made to how this table is reported since the 2011-12 Offender Cohort bulletin. For improved clarity, and to allow comparisons between and down columns, as well as across rows, the absolute numbers of offenders are reported. Prior to the 2011-12 Offender Cohort bulletin, the relative proportions of offenders across a single row in each column were reported as percentages.

3. From the Reconvictions Rates in Scotland 2010-11 Cohort Bulletin onwards, changes have been made to the way this table is reported. The number and type of previous convictions are now based upon a 10 year window.

4. Age as at date of last conviction in 2013-14.

5. Community Sentence refers to Restriction of Liberty Orders, Drug Treatment and Testing Orders, Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Community Payback Orders ( CPOs). Community Payback Orders ( CPOs) were introduced by the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 and came into effect from 1 February 2011. The CPO replaces provisions for Community Service Orders, Probation Orders and Supervised Attendance Orders.

6. The 'Other' category includes Supervised Attendance Orders. It also includes: remit to children's hearing; community reparation order; caution; admonition; absolute discharge; insanity; guardianship; and hospital order.

7. Convictions for crimes or common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearms offences or social security offences. Excludes convictions outside of Scotland.

8. Convictions in the high court or in a sheriff and jury court.


Email: Mark Bell

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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