Reconviction rates in Scotland: 2013-2014 offender cohort

Scottish Government publication providing analysis of trends in reconviction figures up to the latest cohort of 2013 to 2014.

Table 16: Individuals convicted 2005-06 to 2014-15, by number of previous convictions in 10 years

(see note 1)

Number and
type of previous convictions 2
1996-97 to 2005-06 1997-98 to 2006-07 1998-99 to 2007-08 1999-00 to 2008-09 2000-01 to 2009-10 2001-02 to 2010-11 2002-03 to 2011-12 2003-04 to 2012-13 2004-05 to 2013-14 2005-06 to 2014-15
No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. % No. %
Number of persons
with charge proved (=100%)
50,591 53,819 53,557 50,555 48,359 45,656 44,942 42,526 43,123 44,744
All previous convictions 3
None 17,882 35 18,990 35 18,717 35 17,346 34 16,465 34 15,347 34 14,833 33 13,872 33 14,731 34 16,050 36
1 or 2 12,951 26 13,664 25 13,654 25 12,313 24 11,901 25 10,940 24 10,704 24 10,103 24 10,337 24 10,597 24
3 to 10 13,650 27 14,826 28 14,908 28 14,342 28 13,595 28 13,021 29 13,089 29 12,401 29 11,994 28 12,202 27
Over 10 6,108 12 6,339 12 6,278 12 6,554 13 6,398 13 6,348 14 6,316 14 6,150 14 6,061 14 5,895 13

1. This table is compiled on a different basis to tables 1-12; using individuals convicted in 2014-15 (and counting their previous convictions over 10 years) rather than those convicted in 2013-14 (and counting how many are reconvicted in the 2014-15 follow up period).

2. The number and type of previous convictions in 10 year windows.

3. Convictions for crimes or common assault, breach of the peace, racially aggravated conduct or harassment, firearms offences or social security offences. Excludes convictions outside of Scotland.


Email: Mark Bell

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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