
Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2011-12

Recorded Crime in Scotland for 2011-12

Table 4a: Crimes and offences1 recorded by police force area, 2011-12

Crime / Offence group Central Dumfries & Galloway Fife Grampian Lothian & Borders Northern Strathclyde Tayside SCOTLAND
Total Crimes1 16,257 6,036 17,848 29,226 57,471 13,556 154,787 19,005 314,186
Non-sexual crimes of violence2 396 127 348 622 1,824 482 5,222 512 9,533
Homicide3 5 2 10 8 17 8 61 10 121
Attempted murder & serious assault 2,4 226 74 204 277 651 249 2,739 273 4,693
Robbery 56 17 67 138 559 37 1,246 124 2,244
Other 109 34 67 199 597 188 1,176 105 2,475
Sexual Offences 1,5 492 150 583 1,019 1,358 355 2,942 460 7,359
Rape & attempted rape 85 17 106 187 254 68 474 83 1,274
Sexual assault6 217 67 284 381 577 137 1,039 204 2,906
Offences associated with prostitution7 3 0 0 64 126 3 330 41 567
Other 1,6,7 187 66 193 387 401 147 1,099 132 2,612
Crimes of dishonesty 7,695 2,296 9,145 15,425 31,474 5,219 73,715 9,368 154,337
Housebreaking8 962 295 1,397 1,951 4,972 559 12,814 1,272 24,222
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 207 39 229 394 752 190 1,539 179 3,529
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 221 56 353 845 1,955 54 5,113 391 8,988
Theft of a motor vehicle 289 131 397 798 1,633 267 3,250 295 7,060
Shoplifting 1,387 481 1,814 2,710 5,288 941 14,448 2,689 29,758
Other theft 3,630 1,025 4,158 6,937 13,961 2,508 30,848 3,614 66,681
Fraud 653 201 447 1,167 1,726 456 3,713 529 8,892
Other 346 68 350 623 1,187 244 1,990 399 5,207
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 4,353 1,649 4,406 6,855 13,679 3,562 36,280 4,417 75,201
Fire-raising 214 64 198 442 669 144 1,845 179 3,755
Vandalism etc. 4,139 1,585 4,208 6,413 13,010 3,418 34,435 4,238 71,446
Other crimes 3,321 1,814 3,366 5,305 9,136 3,938 36,628 4,248 67,756
Crimes against public justice 1,558 773 1,674 2,096 3,931 1,330 13,815 1,458 26,635
Handling an offensive weapon 330 88 267 394 893 307 3,054 298 5,631
Drugs 1,409 924 1,393 2,811 4,280 2,297 19,556 2,487 35,157
Other 24 29 32 4 32 4 203 5 333
Total Offences1 36,589 22,526 25,627 54,099 72,838 26,757 270,176 35,421 544,033
Miscellaneous offences1 10,422 3,962 10,725 18,663 23,665 9,417 123,068 10,479 210,401
Common assault9 4,300 1,473 4,757 7,799 10,787 3,457 32,287 4,393 69,253
Breach of the peace etc.10 4,007 1,661 3,209 6,973 8,517 3,796 39,371 3,524 71,058
Drunkenness 85 87 201 476 450 749 3,350 346 5,744
Other1 2,030 741 2,558 3,415 3,911 1,415 48,060 2,216 64,346
Motor vehicle offences 26,167 18,564 14,902 35,436 49,173 17,340 147,108 24,942 333,632
Dangerous and careless driving 609 679 437 1,681 652 759 4,652 384 9,853
Driving under the influence 434 199 515 882 1,163 559 3,170 523 7,445
Speeding 10,224 10,486 6,147 16,509 18,660 8,963 37,905 16,327 125,221
Unlawful use of vehicle 3,170 1,483 2,840 6,400 11,420 1,993 23,744 2,827 53,877
Vehicle defect offences 6,891 1,702 887 2,256 1,406 2,434 7,313 1,205 24,094
Other 4,839 4,015 4,076 7,708 15,872 2,632 70,324 3,676 113,142
Total Crimes and Offences1 52,846 28,562 43,475 83,325 130,309 40,313 424,963 54,426 858,219


1. Overall totals of Crimes and Offences for 2009-10 and 2010-11 have been affected by changes to the categories of Other sexual offences and Other miscellaneous offences. From 2011-12 onwards, the offence of Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children has been reclassified as a Sexual offence.
2. The totals of these categories for 2009-10 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Central Scotland Police.
3. Includes Murder, and Culpable homicide, which includes Causing death by dangerous driving, Causing death by careless driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, Causing death by careless driving and Corporate homicide.
4. For the definition of Serious assault please see Note 7.6.
5. Implementation of Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act will have an effect on comparability of breakdown of Sexual offences over time. For further information please see Note 3.5.
6. The totals of these categories for 2009-10 have been revised following the submission of amended data from Fife Constabulary.
7. These categories have been restructured to provide a more coherent picture of Sexual offences. Offences associated with prostitution includes: Offences relating to prostitution, Soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution, Brothel keeping, Immoral traffic and Procuration. Other sexual offences includes: Other sexually coercive conduct, Other sexual offences involving 13-15 year old children, Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children, Incest, Unnatural crimes, Public indecency and Sexual exposure.
8. Includes dwellings, non-dwellings and other premises.
9. For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Note 7.6.
10. Includes Breach of the peace, Threatening or abusive behaviour, Offence of stalking, Offensive behaviour at football and Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012).


Email: Neil Henderson

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