Recorded crime in Scotland 2017-2018

This bulletin presents statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland, disaggregated by crime/offence group and by local authority.

8. Classification of Crimes and Offences

Group 1: Non-sexual crimes of violence (Also referred to as Crimes of violence)
Homicide etc. Includes:
  • Murder
  • Culpable homicide
    • Culpable homicide (common law)
    • Causing death by dangerous driving
    • Causing death by careless driving when under influence of drink or drugs
    • Causing death by careless driving
    • Illegal driver involved in fatal accident
    • Corporate homicide
Attempted murder and serious assault Includes:
  • Attempted murder
  • Serious assault
For the definition of Serious assault and the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Paragraph 7.13 within Annex 1.
  • Robbery and assault with intent to rob
Other Includes:
  • Threats and extortion
  • Cruel and unnatural treatment of children
  • Abortion
  • Concealment of pregnancy
  • Possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life, commit crime etc.
  • Abduction
  • Ill treatment of mental patients
  • Drugging
  • Slavery or forced labour
  • Human organ offences
Group 2: Sexual crimes  
Rape and attempted rape Includes:
  • Rape
  • Attempted rape
Sexual assault Includes:
  • Contact sexual assault (13-15 year old or adult 16+)
  • Sexually coercive conduct (13-15 year old or adult 16+)
  • Sexual crimes against children under 13 years
  • Lewd and libidinous practices
Crimes associated with prostitution Includes:
  • Crimes relating to prostitution
  • Soliciting services of person engaged in prostitution
  • Brothel keeping
  • Immoral traffic
  • Procuration
Other Includes:
  • Other sexually coercive conduct
  • Other sexual crimes involving 13-15 year old children 
  • Taking, distribution, possession etc. of indecent photos of children
  • Incest
  • Unnatural crimes
  • Public indecency
  • Sexual exposure
  • Threatening to disclose and intimate image
  • Disclosure of an intimate image
  • Other sexual crimes
Group 3: Crimes of dishonesty (Also referred to as Dishonesty)
Housebreaking Includes:
  • Theft by housebreaking domestic property (dwelling and non-dwelling)
  • Theft by housebreaking other property
  • Housebreaking with intent to steal domestic property (dwelling and non-dwelling)
  • Housebreaking with intent to steal other property
  • Attempted housebreaking with intent to enter and steal domestic property (dwelling and non-dwelling)
  • Attempted housebreaking with intent to enter and steal other property
Theft by opening lockfast places (OLP)
  • Theft by opening lockfast places (OLP) (excluding motor vehicle)
  • OLP (excluding motor vehicle) with intent to steal
  • Attempted OLP excluding motor vehicle with intent to steal
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP Includes:
  • Theft by OLP from a motor vehicle
  • OLP with intent to steal from a motor vehicle 
  • Attempted OLP with intent to steal from a motor vehicle
Theft of motor vehicle
  • Theft of a motor vehicle and contents
  • Attempted theft of a motor vehicle
  • Shoplifting
Other theft Includes:
  • Theft of pedal cycles
  • Theft from a motor vehicle not elsewhere classified
  • Fraud
Other crimes of dishonesty Includes:
  • Forgery (other)
  • Reset 
  • Embezzlement
  • Corruption
Group 4: Fire-raising, vandalism etc.  
Fire-raising Includes:
  • Fire-raising
  • Muirburn
Vandalism, etc. - Includes: 
  • Malicious mischief
  • Vandalism 
  • Culpable and reckless conduct (not with firearms)
  • Reckless conduct with firearms
  • Culpable and reckless conduct involving aircraft

Group 5: Other crimes


Crimes against public justice


  • Perjury
  • Resisting arrest
  • Bail offences (other than absconding or re-offending) 
  • Wasting police time

Handling offensive weapons


  • Possession of an offensive weapon
  • Restriction of offensive weapons
  • Having in a public place an article with a blade or point
  • Having in prison an article with a blade or point
  • Possession of a firearm in a prison
  • Possession of an offensive weapon (not elsewhere specified) in a prison
  • Possession of an offensive weapon (not elsewhere specified) in a school
  • Having in a school an article with a blade or point
  • Possession of an offensive weapon used in other criminal activity
  • Having in a public place an article with a blade or point used in other criminal activity
  • Possession of an offensive weapon in a prison used in other criminal activity
  • Having in a prison an article with a blade or point used in other criminal activity
  • Possession of offensive weapon in a school used in other criminal activity
  • Having in a school an article with a blade or point used in other criminal activity



  • Importation of drugs
  • Production, manufacture or cultivation of drugs
  • Possession and supply of controlled drugs
  • Related money laundering offences
  • Bringing drugs into prison
  • Psychoactive substance: production, import/export, supply or possession in custody



  • Treason
  • Conspiracy
  • Offences relating to serious organised crime
  • Explosives offences
  • Wrecking, piracy and hijacking
  • Crimes against public order



Group 6: Miscellaneous offences


Common assault


  • Common assault
  • Common assault on an emergency worker

For the distinction between Serious assault and Common assault please see Paragraph 7.13 within Annex 1.

Breach of the peace etc.


  • Breach of the peace
  • Threatening or abusive behaviour
  • Offence of stalking
  • Offensive behaviour at football
  • Threatening communications (Offensive Behaviour at Football and Threatening Communications Act 2012)

Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct


  • Drunk and disorderly
  • Drunk and incapable
  • Drunk in charge of a child
  • Drunk and attempting to enter licensed premises
  • Drunk or drinking in unlicensed premises
  • Disorderly on licensed premises
  • Drunk and attempting to enter designated sports ground
  • Refusing to quit licensed premises
  • Consumption of alcohol in designated places, byelaws prohibited

Urinating etc.


  • Urinating /defecating


Other (cont.)


  • Racially aggravated harassment
  • Racially aggravated conduct
  • False/Hoax calls
  • Offences involving children
  • Offences involving animals/plants
  • Offences against local legislation
  • Offences against liquor licensing laws 
  • Labour laws
  • Naval military and air force laws
  • Offences against environmental legislation
  • Consumer protection acts

Group 7: Motor vehicle offences


Dangerous and careless driving


  • Dangerous driving offences
  • Driving carelessly

Driving under the influence


  • Driving or in charge of motor vehicle while unfit through drink or drugs
  • Blood alcohol content above limit 
  • Failing to provide breath, blood or urine specimens



  • Speeding in restricted areas
  • Other speeding offences

Unlawful use of vehicle


  • Driving while disqualified
  • Driving without a licence
  • Driving without insurance 
  • Driving without a test certificate
  • Vehicle tax and registration and identification offences

Vehicle defect offences


  • Construction and use regulations
  • Lighting offences

Seat belt offences

  • Seat belt offences

Mobile phone offences

  • Mobile phone offences



  • Accident offences
  • Parking offences
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