
Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2022-23

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland in 2022-23, split by crime or offence group and by local authority.

Total Recorded Offences

An infographic showing how the level of total recorded offences in 2022-23 compares to 2013-14 and 2021-22 including what proportion of total recorded offences each offence group makes up.

The total number of offences recorded has fallen by over half (61%) since 2013-14, including a 5% decrease from 180,913 in 2021-22 to 172,207 in 2022-23.

In 2022-23, of all recorded offences:

  • Road traffic offences accounted for just under two thirds (63%)
  • Antisocial offences accounted for just under a third (29%)
  • Miscellaneous offences accounted for 7%

It should be noted that the number of offences recorded by the police generally tends to be affected to a greater extent by police activity and operational decisions than the number of crimes.



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