Recorded crime in Scotland: attempted murder and serious assault, 2008-2009 and 2017-2018

Information on crimes of attempted murder and serious assault recorded by the police in 2008 to 2009 and 2017 to 2018.

Table 10. Crimes of Attempted Murder and Serious Assault by Gender of Perpetrator

Sample Year Percentage of Serious Assault1 Estimated Volume of Serious Assault2 Number Sampled
Male / All Male 82% 5,330 453
Female / All Female 8% 490 42
Mixed Group / Other / Unknown 10% 650 55
All Recorded Serious Assault 100% 6,472 550
Male / All Male 84% 3,520 463
Female / All Female 10% 410 54
Mixed Group / Other / Unknown 6% 260 34
All Recorded Serious Assault 100% 4,189 551
Change between 2008-09 and 2017-18 Percentage Points Estimated Volume
Male / All Male No change -1,810
Female / All Female No change -80
Mixed Group / Other / Unknown No change -390
All Recorded Serious Assault n/a -2,283

1. Percentages will not sum to 100% as a proportion of crimes of Attempted Murder and Serious Assault (18% in 2017-18) have more than one perpetrator, and therefore will appear more than once in the table if they are of different age groups

2. All estimated volumes of Attempted Murder and Serious Assault are rounded to the nearest 10

3. Where an age-range was available (for example 16 to 20 years old), the mid-point of that range was recorded as a best estimate



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