Recorded crime in Scotland: attempted murder and serious assault, 2008-2009 and 2017-2018

Information on crimes of attempted murder and serious assault recorded by the police in 2008 to 2009 and 2017 to 2018.

Table 13. Crimes of Attempted Murder and Serious Assault by Relationship of Victim to Perpetrator

Sample Year Percentage of Serious Assault1 Estimated Volume of Serious Assault2 Number Sampled
Acquaintances / 'Know of' each other 42% 2,710 230
Strangers 25% 1,640 139
Partners / Ex-Partners / Relatives 11% 740 63
Unknown 21% 1,390 118
Known to Victim 52% 3,380 287
Not known to Victim 26% 1,710 145
Unknown 21% 1,390 118
All Recorded Serious Assault 100% 6,472 550
Acquaintances / 'Know of' each other 50% 2,110 278
Strangers 21% 870 114
Partners / Ex-Partners / Relatives 17% 710 93
Unknown 12% 500 66
Known to Victim 66% 2,770 365
Not known to Victim 22% 910 120
Unknown 12% 500 66
All Recorded Serious Assault 100% 4,189 551
Change between 2008-09 and 2017-18 Percentage Points Estimated Volume
Acquaintances / 'Know of' each other 9 -600
Strangers No change -770
Partners / Ex-Partners / Relatives No change -30
Unknown -9 -890
Known to Victim 14 -610
Not known to Victim No change -800
Unknown -9 -890
All Recorded Serious Assault n/a -2,283

1. Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding

2. All estimated volumes of Attempted Murder and Serious Assault are rounded to the nearest 10

3. Where an Attempted Murder and Serious Assault has multiple perpetrators, including some known to and not known to the victim, this has been classified in the table as 'Known to Victim'



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