
Recorded Crime in Scotland: December 2021

A document outlining the crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland during the month of December 2021.

Table 5: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, April to December 2019, 2020 and 2021

Crime group April to December 2019 April to December 2020 April to December 2021 % Change since 2020 % Change
since 2019
Total offences1 192,039 179,967 176,339 -2% -8%
Miscellaneous offences 99,848 96,742 95,611 -1% -4%
Common assault 44,474 40,112 42,993 7% -3%
Breach of the peace etc. 39,162 39,023 36,632 -6% -6%
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 4,440 4,730 3,811 -19% -14%
Urinating etc. 1,822 717 1,035 44% -43%
Other miscellaneous offences 9,950 12,160 11,140 -8% 12%
Motor vehicle offences 92,191 83,225 80,728 -3% -12%
Dangerous and careless driving 8,773 8,670 9,452 9% 8%
Driving under the influence 4,926 6,361 5,849 -8% 19%
Speeding 22,301 16,150 16,203 0% -27%
Unlawful use of vehicle 28,974 29,664 26,032 -12% -10%
Vehicle defect offences 5,278 4,813 4,307 -11% -18%
Seat belt offences 2,262 1,382 1,283 -7% -43%
Mobile phone offences 1,887 1,304 1,054 -19% -44%
Other motor vehicle offences 17,790 14,881 16,548 11% -7%



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