Recorded Crime in Scotland: February 2022

A bulletin detailing the crimes and offences recorded by Police Scotland during February 2022.


Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police provide a measure of the volume of criminal activity with which the police are faced. Crimes recorded by the police do not reveal the incidence of all crimes committed as not all crimes are reported to the police

The police in Scotland recorded 17,326 crimes in February 2022. This was 8% higher than the 15,979 crimes recorded in the same month of 2021 (when pandemic restrictions were in place) and 9% lower than the 18,992 crimes recorded in the same month of 2020 (for which there was no pandemic or restrictions on movement).

In February 2022:

  • Non-sexual crimes of violence were 18% higher compared to February 2021 (increasing from 653 to 772 crimes), and 11% higher compared to February 2020 (increasing from 694 to 772 crimes).
  • Sexual crimes were 25% higher compared to February 2021 (increasing from 1,020 to 1,280 crimes), and 14% higher compared to February 2020 (increasing from 1,124 to 1,280 crimes).
  • Crimes of dishonesty were 17% higher compared to February 2021 (increasing from 6,405 to 7,514 crimes), but 15% lower than in February 2020 (decreasing from 8,843 to 7,514 crimes).
  • Fire-raising, vandalism etc. was 12% higher compared to February 2021 (increasing from 3,019 to 3,380 crimes), but 8% lower than in February 2020 (decreasing from 3,656 to 3,380 crimes).
  • Other crimes were 10% lower compared to February 2021 (decreasing from 4,882 to 4,380 crimes), and 6% lower than in February 2020 (decreasing from 4,675 to 4,380 crimes).
  • Fewer crimes were recorded by the police in 10 (31%) out of 32 local authorities, compared to February 2021.

The number of offences recorded by the police in Scotland in February 2022 was 17,453. This is 14% higher than the 15,352 offences recorded in the same month of 2021 (when pandemic restrictions were in place) but 9% lower than the 19,222 offences recorded in the same month of 2020 (for which there was no pandemic or restrictions on movement).

In February 2022:

  • Miscellaneous offences increased by 23% compared to February 2021 (increasing from 7,540 to 9,306), but were 2% lower compared to February 2020 (decreasing from 9,528 to 9,306).
  • Motor vehicle offences were 4% higher compared to February 2021 (increasing from 7,812 to 8,147), but 16% lower compared to February 2020 (decreasing from 9,694 to 8,147).

As outlined above, the annual Recorded Crime in Scotland bulletin remains the primary source of information on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland, including longer-term analysis of changes to each of the crime and offence groups detailed above.



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