
Recorded crime in Scotland: handling offensive weapons

This report presents information on handling offensive weapons recorded by the police.

Table 5: Weapons used, where identified, by crime type, April to September, 2013 and 2017.

Knives and blades [1] Non-knife articles with a blade or point Other offensive weapons Bats and clubs Industrial and household tools Wood or stone objects Number sampled 1
Not used in commission of a crime
Apr - Sep 2013 53% 13% 9% 12% 8% 4% 496
Possession of an offensive weapon 14% 13% 20% 26% 18% 10% 227
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 87% 12% * - * - 269
Apr - Sep 2017 56% 18% 9% 8% 6% 2% 498
Possession of an offensive weapon 9% 26% 22% 23% 15% 4% 178
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 84% 14% * - * - 316
Used in commission of a crime
Apr - Sep 2017 36% 11% 21% 14% 10% 7% 496
Possession of an offensive weapon 3% 10% 34% 24% 17% 12% 297
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 86% 13% * - - - 199

1. For crimes where the weapon was not used, the total number for the individual crimes will not equal that for the entire sample. This is because the crimes of restriction of an offensive weapon sampled as part of this work are not presented separately due to the small numbers involved.


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