
Recorded crime in Scotland: handling offensive weapons

This report presents information on handling offensive weapons recorded by the police.

Table 14: Crimes committed against a person using the weapon, by crime type, April to September, 2017.

Murder and attempted murder Serious assault Robbery Other non-sexual violence 1 Common assault 2 Threatening and abusive behaviour Other Misc. offences 3 Total sampled
Used in commission of a crime
Apr - Sep 2017 2% 14% 7% * 32% 44% 1% 511
Possession of an offensive weapon * 12% 4% * 41% 41% * 313
Having in a public place an article with a blade or point 3% 18% 13% - 17% 49% * 198

1. Includes the crimes of Threats & extortion and Abduction.

2. Includes Common assault of an emergency worker.

3. Includes the offences of Breach of the peace, Racially aggravated harassment and Racially aggravated conduct


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