Recorded Crime in Scotland: July 2020

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for July 2020.

Table 4: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, April to July 2019 and April to July 2020

Table 4: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, April to July 2019 and April to July 2020
Crime group April to July 2019 April to July 2020 %  Change since 2019
Total crimes[1] 85,639 78,599 -8%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 3,172 2,929 -8%
Homicide etc. 51 29 -43%
Attempted murder & serious assault 1,536 1,181 -23%
Robbery 522 592 13%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 565 518 -8%
Other violence 498 609 22%
Sexual crimes 4,575 4,110 -10%
Rape & attempted rape 797 736 -8%
Sexual assault 1,739 1,223 -30%
Crimes associated with prostitution 23 12 -48%
Other sexual crimes 2,016 2,139 6%
Crimes of dishonesty 38,630 31,963 -17%
Housebreaking 4,303 3,590 -17%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 602 388 -36%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 983 839 -15%
Theft of a motor vehicle 1,683 1,511 -10%
Shoplifting 11,259 6,635 -41%
Other theft 14,611 11,576 -21%
Fraud 3,499 5,606 60%
Other dishonesty 1,690 1,818 8%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 16,470 13,756 -16%
Fire-raising 992 900 -9%
Vandalism etc. 15,478 12,856 -17%
Other crimes 22,792 25,841 13%
Crimes against public justice 6,513 8,866 36%
Handling offensive weapons 3,452 3,695 7%
Not used in other criminal activity 1,590 1,742 10%
Used in other criminal activity 1,862 1,953 5%
Drugs 12,755 13,226 4%
Other 72 54 -25%



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