Recorded Crime in Scotland: July 2020
Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for July 2020.
Main findings
Crimes recorded by the police
In July 2020, the police recorded 20,401 crimes. This is 7% lower (or 1,438 crimes) than the 21,839 crimes recorded in the same month of 2019. There were variations in the year-on-year trends between different crime types. (Table 1, Chart 1).
Between July 2019 and July 2020:
- Non-sexual crimes of violence were 4% higher (or 33 crimes), increasing from 794 to 827 crimes. The main contributors to this increase were Other Violence, which rose by 29% (or 38 crimes), and Robbery, up by 17% (or 23 crimes). Over the same period, crimes recorded under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 increased by 6% (or 8 crimes) from 140 to 148 crimes.
- Sexual crimes were 8% higher (or 86 crimes), increasing from 1,117 to 1,203 crimes. The main contributor to this increase was Rape and attempted rape, which increased by 42% (or 76 crimes). Other sexual crimes increased by 9% (or 45 crimes), while Sexual assault decreased, by 7% (or 30 crimes).
- Crimes of dishonesty were 18% lower (or 1,842 crimes), reducing from 10,008 to 8,166 crimes. The main contributors to this reduction were falls in Shoplifting (down 39% or 1,098 crimes) and Other theft (down 19% or 738 crimes). Over the same period, the number of frauds recorded was 55% higher, increasing by 543 to 1,534 crimes. The Changes in levels of recorded fraud section below provides users with further background on what may be contributing to this change.
- Fire-raising, vandalism etc. was 8% lower (or 324 crimes), reducing from 4,084 to 3,760 crimes. The main contributor to this reduction was Vandalism etc., which fell by 8%, or 323 crimes.
- Other crimes were 10% higher (or 609 crimes), increasing from 5,836 to 6,445 crimes. The main contributors to this increase were Crimes against public justice, which rose by 34% (or 571 crimes) and Handling offensive weapons, which increased by 18% (or 150 crimes). Drugs crimes fell by 3%, or 114 crimes.
![Chart 1. Crimes and offences recorded by the police, by crime group, July 2020 compared with July 2019](/binaries/content/gallery/publications/statistics/2020/08/recorded-crime-scotland-july-2020/SCT07209535761_g00.gif)
Offences recorded by the police
In July 2020, the police recorded 21,607 offences. This is 5% lower (or 1,037 offences) than the 22,644 offences recorded in the same month in 2019. There was a 2% increase in Miscellaneous offences, and a 11% decrease in Motor vehicle offences, as detailed below (Table 2).
Between July 2019 and July 2020:
- Miscellaneous offences increased by 2% (or 243 offences), from 11,502 to 11,745. This was driven by increases in Other miscellaneous offences, which rose by 25% (or 285 offences), and Breach of the peace etc., up 5% (or 234 offences). These increases were partially offset by reductions in Urinating etc. (down 46%) and Drunkenness and other diorderly conduct (down 20%).
- Motor vehicle offences were 11% lower (or 1280 offences), reducing from 11,142 to 9,862. The main contributors to this reduction were Speeding, which fell by 22% (or 632 offences), and Unlawful use of a vehicle (down 15% or 524 offences). There were increases in Driving under the inflence, up 47% or 255 offences.
Local Authorities
Compared to July 2019, a reduction in recorded crime was seen in 21 (66%) out of 32 local authorities, with the remaining 11 showing an increase (Table 3). The largest decrease was seen in Falkirk (down 39%) and the largest increase was in Orkney Islands (up 100%). It should be noted that the relatively small number of crimes recorded in some of Scotland's local authorities can fluctuate over time - leading to large percentage changes. This is particularly relevant in this release, where monthly data is being presented rather than the annual information provided in the National Statistics.
The biggest contributors by volume to the overall reduction in crimes recorded by the police were Glasgow City (down 13% or 507 crimes), followed by Edinburgh City (down 13% or 347 crimes) and Falkirk (down 39% or 251 crimes).
April to July 2020 compared with April to July 2019
Overall, in April to July 2020 the police recorded 78,599 crimes, a reduction of 8% (or 7,040 crimes) compared to the same period in 2019 (85,639 crimes) (Error! Reference source not found.). The biggest drivers of this reduction by volume were Shoplifting (down 41% or 4,624 crimes), Other theft (down 21% or 3,035) and Vandalism etc. (down 17% or 2,622 crimes). Crimes against public justice saw the biggest increase over this period, growing by 36% (or 2,353 crimes) from 6,513 to 8,866 crimes. Fraud was also higher, increasing by 60% (or 2,107 crimes) from 3,499 to 5,606.
Over the same period, the number of offences recorded by the police was 9% lower (or 8,037 offences), with Miscellaneous offences falling by 2% (or 1,120 offences) and Motor vehicle offences falling by 16% (or 6,917 offences) (Error! Reference source not found.).
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