Recorded Crime in Scotland: July 2020

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for July 2020.

Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, July 2019 and July 2020

Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, July 2019 and July 2020
  July %  Change since
Crime group 2019 2020 July 2019
Total crimes[1] 21,839 20,401 -7%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 794 827 4%
Homicide etc. 17 3 -82%
Attempted murder & serious assault 373 351 -6%
Robbery 134 157 17%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 140 148 6%
Other violence 130 168 29%
Sexual crimes 1,117 1,203 8%
Rape & attempted rape 179 255 42%
Sexual assault 430 400 -7%
Crimes associated with prostitution 7 2 n/r
Other sexual crimes 501 546 9%
Crimes of dishonesty 10,008 8,166 -18%
Housebreaking 1,104 807 -27%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 161 109 -32%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 235 177 -25%
Theft of a motor vehicle 440 350 -20%
Shoplifting 2,848 1,750 -39%
Other theft 3,813 3,075 -19%
Fraud 991 1,534 55%
Other dishonesty 416 364 -13%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 4,084 3,760 -8%
Fire-raising 235 234 0%
Vandalism etc. 3,849 3,526 -8%
Other crimes 5,836 6,445 10%
Crimes against public justice 1,702 2,273 34%
Handling offensive weapons 852 1,002 18%
Not used in other criminal activity 389 421 8%
Used in other criminal activity 463 581 25%
Drugs 3,271 3,157 -3%
Other 11 13 18%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section below for more information.



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