
Recorded Crime in Scotland: July 2021

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for July 2021.

Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation

It is important to note that these Official Statistics currently exclude crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation such as the Coronavirus Act 2020 and Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions) (Scotland) Regulations 2020. These were implemented on 25th March and 27th March 2020, respectively, and resulted in new crimes being recorded - for example where someone, who had left the place they were living, did not have a reasonable excuse for this when asked by a police officer, and failed to comply with police advice or instruction to return there.

Given the rapid pace of these changes, Police Scotland have used an interim and bespoke data collection to capture information on the number of new crimes recorded under the coronavirus legislation. This is why figures for this legislation are currently presented separately to the overall totals provided for recorded crime in this bulletin. The bespoke data collection suggests that 45 such crimes were recorded during July 2021. This month's figure is lower than the previous month and the lowest since August 2020 (see Table A below). This is likely to be due to decreased levels of enforcement due to the relaxation of restrictions in recent months. Users should treat these figures as broadly indicative, and may be subject to further revision in future releases. In due course the annual National Statistics will include this activity within the overall crime total for Scotland.

Table A: Number of crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation, April 2020 to July 2021
Month Number of crimes recorded
April 2,741
May 1,654
June 219
July 17
August 21
September 189
October 588
November 1,811
December 1,540
January 3,473
February 4,199
March 3,573
April 2,221
May 1,434
June 163
July 45



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