
Recorded Crime in Scotland: June 2020

Third edition of a new monthly release of Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland, providing information on the number of crimes and offences recorded during June 2020.

Table 5: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, April to June 2019 and April to June 2020

Crime group April to June 2019 April to June 2020 % Change since 2019
Total offences 65,410 58,410 -11%
Miscellaneous offences 34,008 32,645 -4%
Common assault 14,963 12,513 -16%
Breach of the peace etc. 13,386 13,528 1%
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1,700 2,112 24%
Urinating etc. 618 246 -60%
Other miscellaneous offences 3,341 4,246 27%
Motor vehicle offences 31,402 25,765 -18%
Dangerous and careless driving 2,834 2,682 -5%
Driving under the influence 1,528 2,166 42%
Speeding 8,262 4,741 -43%
Unlawful use of vehicle 9,451 9,807 4%
Vehicle defect offences 1,893 1,397 -26%
Seat belt offences 903 436 -52%
Mobile phone offences 741 433 -42%
Other motor vehicle offences 5,790 4,103 -29%



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