
Recorded Crime in Scotland: March 2022

A report on the number of crimes and offences recorded by police in Scotland during the month of March 2022.

Main findings

Crimes recorded by the police

In March 2022, the police recorded 18,775 crimes. This was 2% (or 373 crimes) lower than the 19,148 crimes recorded in the same month of 2021 (when pandemic restrictions were in place) and 1% lower than the 18,874 crimes recorded in the same month of 2020 (part of which included restrictions on movement, with the first UK national lockdown announced on the 23rd March). There were variations in the year-on-year trends between different crime types. However, with the exception of Fire-raising, Vandalism etc. and Other crimes, all groups were higher than in March 2020, despite the overall decrease (Table 1, Chart 1).

In March 2022:

  • Non-sexual crimes of violence were 7% (or 57 crimes) higher compared to March 2021 (increasing from 795 to 852 crimes), and 21% higher compared to March 2020 (increasing from 702 to 852 crimes). Within this, Attempted murder and serious assault increased by 18% compared to March 2021 (from 262 to 310 crimes), and increased by 3% from March 2020 (from 302 to 310 crimes). Other violence increased by 15% compared to March 2021 (from 224 to 258 crimes) and increased by 119% from March 2020 (from 118 to 258 crimes). The increase since March 2020 is mainly due to a rise in Threats and extortion (from 41 to 131 crimes), with the latest National Statistics bulletin estimating that more than three-quarters (77%) of Threats and extortion recorded in 2020-21 were cyber-crimes. Crimes under the Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 increased by 6% compared to March 2021 (from 150 to 159 crimes), and were 45% higher than in March 2020 (increasing from 110 to 159 crimes).
  • Sexual crimes were 7% (or 92 crimes) lower compared to March 2021, decreasing from 1,278 to 1,186 crimes, but were 7% (or 80 crimes) higher than in March 2020 (increasing from 1,106 to 1,186 crimes). Sexual assault increased by 18% compared to March 2021 (from 373 to 440 crimes), and increased by 15% compared to March 2020 (increasing from 383 to 440 crimes). Other sexual crimes decreased by 19% compared to March 2021 (decreasing from 674 to 546 crimes) and decreased by 3% compared to March 2020 (decreasing from 563 to 546 crimes). The latest National Statistics estimated that two-thirds (66%) of recorded Other sexual crimes were cyber-crimes. Rape and attempted rape decreased by 12% compared to March 2021 (from 225 to 198 crimes), but increased by 30% compared to March 2020 (from 152 to 198 crimes).
  • Crimes of dishonesty were 9% (or 714 crimes) higher compared to March 2021, increasing from 7,684 to 8,398 crimes. This was 1% higher than in March 2020 (increasing from 8,356 to 8,398 crimes). Shoplifting was the biggest contributor (by volume) to the increase, having risen by 28% compared to March 2021 (from 1,706 to 2,189 crimes), and was 2% higher when compared to March 2020. Crimes of Fraud have been at increased levels throughout the pandemic. Despite a 15% decrease compared to March 2021 (down from 1,764 to 1,505 crimes), there was a 49% increase since March 2020 (from 1,010 to 1,505 crimes). The Changes in levels of recorded fraud section below provides users with further background on what may be contributing to this change.
  • Fire-raising, vandalism etc. was 1% (or 22 crimes) lower compared to March 2021, decreasing from 3,753 to 3,731 crimes, and was 4% lower than March 2020. Vandalism etc. had 1 less crime in March 2022 than March 2021. This is 5% lower than March 2020 levels.
  • Other crimes were 18% (or 1,030 crimes) lower than in March 2021, decreasing from 5,638 to 4,608 crimes. This is 4% lower than March 2020 (decreasing from 4,813 to 4,608 crimes). The biggest contributor to the decrease from 2021 was Drugs (which fell by 31% compared to March 2021 and 21% compared to March 2020).
Chart 1. Crimes and offences recorded by the police, by crime group, March 2020, 2021 and 2022

Chart: each category shows columns from top to bottom for March 2020, 2021 and 2022

A bar chart showing the number of crimes and offences recorded by the police by crime group for March 2020, 2021 and 2022

Offences recorded by the police

In March 2022, the police recorded 18,684 offences. This was 6% (or 1,088 offences) lower than the 19,772 offences recorded in the same month in 2021, but 2% higher than in March 2020 (increasing from 18,359 to 18,684 offences). Miscellaneous offences increased by 8% compared to both March 2021 and 2020. Motor vehicle offences decreased by 19% compared to March 2021, and decreased by 6% compared to March 2020, as detailed below (Table 2).

In March 2022:

  • Miscellaneous offences increased by 8% (or 783 offences) compared to March 2021 (increasing from 9,797 to 10,580 offences), and increased by 8% compared to March 2020 (increasing from 9,755 to 10,580 offences). The largest increase by volume since March 2021 was Common assault, which rose by 27% from 4,066 to 5,172 offences, and was 16% higher than March 2020. Urinating etc. was the only other category in miscellaneous offences that increased compared to March 2021.
  • Motor vehicle offences were 19% (or 1,871 offences) lower compared to March 2021, decreasing from 9,975 to 8,104 offences, and were 6% lower than March 2020 levels. The main contributor to the decrease since March 2021 by volume was Unlawful use of vehicle (which decreased by 30%, from 3,849 to 2,696 offences). The categories within Motor vehicle offences that increased when compared to March 2020 were Mobile phone offences (up 25%), Other motor vehicle offences (up 13%), Dangerous and careless driving (up 10%) and Driving under the influence (up 7%).

Local Authorities

Compared to March 2021, a decrease in recorded crime was seen in 22 (69%) out of 32 local authorities, with 10 showing an increase (Table 3). The largest increase was seen in Stirling (up 24%) and the largest decrease was in the Orkney Islands (down 45%). It should be noted that the relatively small number of crimes recorded in some of Scotland's local authorities can fluctuate over time - leading to large percentage changes. This is particularly relevant in this release, where monthly data is being presented rather than the annual information provided in the National Statistics.

The biggest contributors by volume to the overall decrease in crimes recorded by the police were North Lanarkshire (down 13%, or 183 crimes) and Aberdeen City (down 14%, or 151 crimes).

April 2019 to March 2020 and April 2020 to March 2021, compared with April 2021 to March 2022

Overall, in April 2021 to March 2022 the police recorded 224,236 crimes, a reduction of 2% (or 4,266 crimes) compared to April 2020 to March 2021 (228,502 crimes) (Table 4). This was 8% (or 20,197 crimes) lower than April 2019 to March 2020 (244,433 crimes). The biggest drivers of the decrease by volume since April 2020 to March 2021 were Drugs (down 23%, or 8,286 crimes), Crimes against public justice (down 8%, or 1,994 crimes) and Housebreaking (down 13%, or 1,271 crimes). When compared with April 2019 to March 2020, the biggest drivers of the reduction by volume were Shoplifting (down 26%, or 7,884 crimes), Drugs (down 21%, or 7,459 crimes) and Other theft (down 15%, or 6,076 crimes). The largest increase since April 2020 to March 2021 by volume was Shoplifting (up 11%, or 2,232 crimes). Compared with April 2019 to March 2020, the largest increase by volume was Fraud (up 64%, or 6,959 crimes).

The number of offences recorded by the police in April 2021 to March 2022 was <1% (or 505 offences) lower than April 2020 to March 2021, with Miscellaneous offences increasing by 2% (or 2,685 offences) and Motor vehicle offences decreasing by 3% (or 3,190 offences) (Table 5). Compared to April 2019 to March 2020, offences decreased by 7% (or 18,166 offences), with Miscellaneous offences decreasing by 3% (or 3,465 offences) and Motor vehicle offences decreasing by 12% (or 14,701 offences).



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