Recorded Crime in Scotland: November 2021

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for November 2021.

Table 1: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, November 2019, 2020 and 2021

Crime group November % Change since % Change since
2019 2020 2021 November 2020 November 2019
Total crimes1 20,087 20,331 18,533 -9% -8%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 822 738 963 30% 17%
Homicide etc. 11 5 11 n/r 0%
Attempted murder & serious assault 327 263 286 9% -13%
Robbery 167 158 152 -4% -9%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 140 146 170 16% 21%
Other violence 177 166 344 107% 94%
Sexual crimes 1,211 1,105 1,363 23% 13%
Rape & attempted rape 235 187 222 19% -6%
Sexual assault 437 385 512 33% 17%
Crimes associated with prostitution 7 7 9 n/r n/r
Other sexual crimes 532 526 620 18% 17%
Crimes of dishonesty 8,875 8,411 8,216 -2% -7%
Housebreaking 1,018 824 748 -9% -27%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 142 103 96 -7% -32%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 195 167 154 -8% -21%
Theft of a motor vehicle 378 395 368 -7% -3%
Shoplifting 2,505 1,949 1,954 0% -22%
Other theft 3,336 2,974 3,120 5% -6%
Fraud 885 1,577 1,511 -4% 71%
Other dishonesty 416 422 265 -37% -36%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 4,024 3,904 3,805 -3% -5%
Fire-raising 246 260 239 -8% -3%
Vandalism etc. 3,778 3,644 3,566 -2% -6%
Other crimes 5,155 6,173 4,186 -32% -19%
Crimes against public justice 1,561 2,159 1,816 -16% 16%
Handling offensive weapons 774 793 693 -13% -10%
Not used in other criminal activity 379 350 301 -14% -21%
Used in other criminal activity 395 443 392 -12% -1%
Drugs 2,800 3,203 1,666 -48% -41%
Other 20 18 11 -39% -45%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section for more information.



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