Recorded Crime in Scotland: November 2021

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for November 2021.

Table 4: Crimes recorded by the police, Scotland, April to November 2019, 2020 and 2021

Crime group April to November 2019 April to November 2020 April to November 2021 % Change since 2020 % Change since 2019
Total crimes1 168,304 158,333 152,882 -3% -9%
Non-sexual crimes of violence 6,468 5,979 6,695 12% 4%
Homicide etc. 88 66 61 -8% -31%
Attempted murder & serious assault 2,925 2,421 2,477 2% -15%
Robbery 1,156 1,175 1,134 -3% -2%
Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act 2018 1,166 1,039 1,117 8% -4%
Other violence 1,133 1,278 1,906 49% 68%
Sexual crimes 9,191 8,584 9,861 15% 7%
Rape & attempted rape 1,674 1,534 1,686 10% 1%
Sexual assault 3,462 2,711 3,467 28% 0%
Crimes associated with prostitution 65 29 53 83% -18%
Other sexual crimes 3,990 4,310 4,655 8% 17%
Crimes of dishonesty 75,215 65,037 64,034 -2% -15%
Housebreaking 8,505 7,044 5,774 -18% -32%
Theft by opening a lockfast place (OLP) 1,174 826 815 -1% -31%
Theft from a motor vehicle by OLP 1,865 1,508 1,350 -10% -28%
Theft of a motor vehicle 3,313 3,026 2,995 -1% -10%
Shoplifting 21,338 14,296 14,938 4% -30%
Other theft 28,843 23,589 23,679 0% -18%
Fraud 6,974 11,410 11,781 3% 69%
Other dishonesty 3,203 3,338 2,702 -19% -16%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 32,719 29,155 30,014 3% -8%
Fire-raising 1,875 1,852 1,861 0% -1%
Vandalism etc. 30,844 27,303 28,153 3% -9%
Other crimes 44,711 49,578 42,278 -15% -5%
Crimes against public justice 12,992 17,440 15,786 -9% 22%
Handling offensive weapons 6,697 7,219 6,926 -4% 3%
Not used in other criminal activity 3,095 3,313 2,981 -10% -4%
Used in other criminal activity 3,602 3,906 3,945 1% 10%
Drugs 24,876 24,804 19,454 -22% -22%
Other 146 115 112 -3% -23%

1. The total figure for recorded crime excludes the new crimes being recorded under the recently enacted coronavirus legislation. Please see the Crimes recorded under coronavirus legislation section for more information.



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