Recorded Crime in Scotland: October 2021

Official Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland for October 2021.

Table 5: Offences recorded by the police, Scotland, April to October 2019, 2020 and 2021

Crime group April to October 2019 April to October 2020 April to October 2021 % Change since 2020 % Change since 2019
Total offences 151,307 141,150 141,670 0% -6%
Miscellaneous offences 78,549 77,313 76,977 0% -2%
Common assault 34,646 31,571 34,010 8% -2%
Breach of the peace etc. 30,906 31,406 29,877 -5% -3%
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 3,777 4,046 3,411 -16% -10%
Urinating etc. 1,413 641 787 23% -44%
Other miscellaneous offences 7,807 9,649 8,892 -8% 14%
Motor vehicle offences 72,758 63,837 64,693 1% -11%
Dangerous and careless driving 6,775 6,835 7,710 13% 14%
Driving under the influence 3,611 5,064 4,661 -8% 29%
Speeding 18,466 12,514 13,286 6% -28%
Unlawful use of vehicle 22,445 22,087 20,749 -6% -8%
Vehicle defect offences 4,198 3,794 3,399 -10% -19%
Seat belt offences 1,972 1,168 1,089 -7% -45%
Mobile phone offences 1,591 1,103 890 -19% -44%
Other motor vehicle offences 13,700 11,272 12,909 15% -6%



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