
Recorded Crime in Scotland: year ending December 2022

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the year ending December 2022, split by crime or offence group and by local authority.

Offences recorded by the police

In the year ending December 2022, the police recorded 173,269 offences. This was 5% (or 8,802 offences) lower than the 182,071 offences recorded in the previous year, and 7% lower than the 186,858 offences recorded in the year ending December 2018.

Antisocial offences

The number of Antisocial offences in the year ending December 2022:

  • were 6% (or 3,411 offences) lower compared to the previous year (decreasing from 55,068 to 51,657 offences), and
  • were 14% (or 8,497 offences) lower compared to the year ending December 2018 (decreasing from 60,154 to 51,657 offences).

Within this:

  • Threatening and abusive behaviour decreased by 6% compared to the previous year (from 47,179 to 44,537 offences), and decreased by 9% from the year ending December 2018 (from 48,883 to 44,537 offences).
  • Racially aggravated conduct decreased by 10% compared to the previous year (from 1,692 to 1,524 offences), and decreased by 15% from the year ending December 2018 (from 1,801 to 1,524 offences).
  • Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct decreased by 13% compared to the previous year (from 4,976 to 4,315 offences), and decreased by 37% from the year ending December 2018 (from 6,865 to 4,315 offences).
  • Urinating etc. increased by 5% compared to the previous year (from 1,221 to 1,281 offences), but decreased by 51% from the year ending December 2018 (from 2,605 to 1,281 offences).

Miscellaneous offences

The number of Miscellaneous offences in the year ending December 2022:

  • were <1% (or seven offences) lower compared to the previous year (decreasing from 12,856 to 12,849 offences), but
  • were 20% (or 2,103 offences) higher compared to the year ending December 2018 (increasing from 10,746 to 12,849 offences).

Within this:

  • Community and public order offences decreased by <1% compared to the previous year (from 9,180 to 9,177 offences), but increased by 27% from the year ending December 2018 (from 7,209 to 9,177 offences).
  • Environmental offences decreased by 15% compared to the previous year (from 507 to 433 offences), and decreased by 23% from the year ending December 2018 (from 565 to 433 offences).
  • Licensing offences decreased by 3% compared to the previous year (from 829 to 808 offences), and decreased by 33% from the year ending December 2018 (from 1,212 to 808 offences).
  • Wildlife offences decreased by <1% compared to the previous year (from 1,445 to 1,440 offences), but increased by 24% from the year ending December 2018 (from 1,163 to 1,440 offences).
  • Other miscellaneous offences increased by 11% compared to the previous year (from 895 to 991 offences), and increased by 66% from the year ending December 2018 (from 597 to 991 offences).

Road traffic offences

The number of Road traffic offences in the year ending December 2022:

  • were 5% (or 5,384 offences) lower compared to the previous year (decreasing from 114,147 to 108,763 offences), and
  • were 6% (or 7,195 offences) lower compared to the year ending December 2018 (decreasing from 115,958 to 108,763 offences).

Within this:

  • Dangerous and careless driving increased by <1% compared to the previous year (from 12,569 to 12,621 offences), and increased by 15% from the year ending December 2018 (from 10,931 to 12,621 offences).
  • Driving under the influence increased by 1% compared to the previous year (from 7,706 to 7,764 offences), and increased by 33% from the year ending December 2018 (from 5,828 to 7,764 offences).
  • Speeding decreased by 23% compared to the previous year (from 23,067 to 17,875 offences), and decreased by 32% from the year ending December 2018 (from 26,454 to 17,875 offences).
  • Unlawful use of vehicle decreased by 8% compared to the previous year (from 39,761 to 36,639 offences), and decreased by 2% from the year ending December 2018 (from 37,257 to 36,639 offences).
  • Vehicle defect offences decreased by 15% compared to the previous year (from 6,384 to 5,427 offences), and decreased by 21% from the year ending December 2018 (from 6,877 to 5,427 offences).
  • Seat belt offences increased by 8% compared to the previous year (from 1,674 to 1,809 offences), but decreased by 33% from the year ending December 2018 (from 2,695 to 1,809 offences).
  • Mobile phone offences increased by 82% compared to the previous year (from 1,446 to 2,637 offences), but decreased by 1% from the year ending December 2018 (from 2,677 to 2,637 offences).
  • Other road traffic offences increased by 11% compared to the previous year (from 21,540 to 23,991 offences), and increased by 3% from the year ending December 2018 (from 23,239 to 23,991 offences).



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