Recorded Crime in Scotland: year ending June 2022

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded and cleared up by the police in Scotland in the year ending June 2022, split by crime or offence group and by local authority.


The police in Scotland recorded 285,974 crimes in the year ending June 2022. This was 5% lower than the 300,747 crimes recorded in the year ending June 2021, and 5% lower than the 301,376 crimes recorded in the year ending June 2018.

It should be noted that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and associated measures to limit social contact, had an impact on both the type and volume of crime recorded since March 2020. Most recently, the 5% fall in recorded crime between the year ending June 2021 and year ending June 2022 was driven by a reduction in crimes recorded under Coronavirus related legislation (from 20,146 to 96). All other crimes collectively increased by 2%.

As highlighted above, the 2021-22 (or year ending March 2022) National Statistics bulletin provides further time series analysis over the longer term (back to 1971). The recording of crime for the year ending June 2022 is at the lowest level seen for a 12-month period since 1974.

In the year ending June 2022:

  • Non-sexual crimes of violence were 9% higher compared to the year ending June 2021 (increasing from 64,080 to 70,156 crimes), and 5% higher compared to the year ending June 2018 (increasing from 66,540 to 70,156 crimes).
  • Sexual crimes were 7% higher compared to the year ending June 2021 (increasing from 13,939 to 14,880 crimes), and 14% higher compared to the year ending June 2018 (increasing from 13,055 to 14,880 crimes).
  • Crimes of dishonesty were 9% higher compared to the year ending June 2021 (increasing from 89,259 to 97,207 crimes), but 15% lower compared to the year ending June 2018 (decreasing from 113,774 to 97,207 crimes).
  • Damage and reckless behaviour was <1% higher compared to the year ending June 2021 (increasing from 44,293 to 44,455 crimes), but 12% lower compared to the year ending June 2018 (decreasing from 50,303 to 44,455 crimes).
  • Crimes against society were 14% lower compared to the year ending June 2021 (decreasing from 69,030 to 59,180 crimes), but 3% higher compared to the year ending June 2018 (increasing from 57,704 to 59,180 crimes).
  • Coronavirus restrictions were almost 100% lower compared to the year ending June 2021 (decreasing from 20146 to 96). As noted above, the legislation used to record these crimes was introduced in March 2020.

The number of offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the year ending June 2022 was 176,960. This is 7% lower than the 189,677 offences recorded in the year ending June 2021, and 10% lower than the 196,848 offences recorded in the year ending June 2018.

  • Antisocial offences were 2% lower compared to the year ending June 2021 (decreasing from 56,168 to 55,018 offences), and 14% lower compared to the year ending June 2018 (decreasing from 63,738 to 55,018 offences).
  • Miscellaneous offences were 5% lower compared to the year ending June 2021 (decreasing from 13,451 to 12,815 offences), but 17% higher compared to the year ending June 2018 (increasing from 10,970 to 12,815 offences).
  • Road traffic offences were 9% lower compared to the year ending June 2021 (decreasing from 120,058 to 109,127 offences), and 11% lower compared to the year ending June 2018 (decreasing from 122,140 to 109,127 offences).



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