
Recorded Crime in Scotland: year ending September 2024

Statistics on crimes and offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the year ending September 2024, split by crime or offence group and by local authority.

Key points

The police in Scotland recorded 300,134 crimes in the year ending September 2024. This was 1% higher than the 297,425 crimes recorded in the year ending September 2023, and 1% higher than the 296,958 crimes recorded in the year ending September 2020.

It should be noted that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and associated measures to limit social contact, has had an impact on both the type and volume of crime recorded since March 2020. The largest impact was seen during the year ending September 2021, and to a lesser extent the years ending September 2020 and September 2022. The final legal restrictions were lifted in April 2022, meaning the most recent years (those ending September 2023 and September 2024) were not impacted by these restrictions.

In the year ending September 2024:

  • Non-sexual crimes of violence were 1% lower compared to the year ending September 2023 (decreasing from 71,571 to 71,002 crimes), but 9% higher compared to the year ending September 2020 (increasing from 65,338 to 71,002 crimes).
  • Sexual crimes were <1% lower compared to the year ending September 2023 (decreasing from 14,704 to 14,651 crimes), but 12% higher compared to the year ending September 2020 (increasing from 13,128 to 14,651 crimes).
  • Crimes of dishonesty were 4% higher compared to the year ending September 2023 (increasing from 108,153 to 112,324 crimes), and 12% higher compared to the year ending September 2020 (increasing from 99,912 to 112,324 crimes).
  • Damage and reckless behaviour was 5% lower compared to the year ending September 2023 (decreasing from 42,097 to 40,011 crimes), and 12% lower compared to the year ending September 2020 (decreasing from 45,399 to 40,011 crimes).
  • Crimes against society were 2% higher compared to the year ending September 2023 (increasing from 60,900 to 62,146 crimes), but 9% lower compared to the year ending September 2020 (decreasing from 68,143 to 62,146 crimes).

The number of offences recorded by the police in Scotland in the year ending September 2024 was 183,640. This is 6% higher than the 173,762 offences recorded in the year ending September 2023, but 2% lower than the 187,806 offences recorded in the year ending September 2020.

  • Antisocial offences were 4% higher compared to the year ending September 2023 (increasing from 47,530 to 49,609 offences), but 17% lower compared to the year ending September 2020 (decreasing from 59,935 to 49,609 offences).
  • Miscellaneous offences were 9% higher compared to the year ending September 2023 (increasing from 13,075 to 14,200 offences), and 12% higher compared to the year ending September 2020 (increasing from 12,634 to 14,200 offences).
  • Road traffic offences were 6% higher compared to the year ending September 2023 (increasing from 113,157 to 119,831 offences), and 4% higher compared to the year ending September 2020 (increasing from 115,237 to 119,831 offences).



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