Recorded Crimes and Offences Involving Firearms, Scotland, 2011-12

Statistical bulletin on crimes and offences involving firearms recorded by the police in Scotland in 2011-12

Table 6: Main firearm recorded by how the weapon was used in offences involving the alleged use of a firearm, Scotland, 2011-12

Main Firearm Recorded1
How Firearm Used Shotgun Rifle Pistol/ Revolver Air Weapon Imitation Unidentified Other Total
Fired - fatal injuy 2 - 2 - - 1 - 5
Fired - non-fatal injury 5 - 3 51 - - 31 90
Fired - damage to property 6 2 7 49 - 4 8 76
Fired - no injury/damage 4 3 11 68 6 1 20 113
Total Fired 17 5 23 168 6 6 59 284
Used as a blunt instrument 1 - 7 1 - - 3 12
Used to threaten 16 - 51 23 44 26 20 180
Other uses 2 1 - 3 11 7 14 38
Total 36 6 81 195 61 39 96 514


1. For further information on the main firearm recorded please see Note 4.4.5.


Email: Neil Henderson

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